Okay, the Wii was the wining system in 2007, and 2006. And the PS3 came in 3rd in 2007, and 2006. But now it seems that the PS3 may be stepping up the plate. I know the Wii will beat the PS3 again this year, but I think the PS3 acually has a chance.
The PS3 2008 line-up. Haze, Metal gear soild 4,Littelbigplanet, Killzone 2, SOCOM: Confrontation, Tekken 6, White knight story, Final fantasy 13, Sing star, Eight days, Resistance: fall of man 2 (posiblly 2009), and Gran Turismo 5.
The Wii 208 ine-up. De blob, Wii fit, Super smash bros. brawl, Sonic riders:Zero gravity, No more heros, Deca sports, Worms: a space oddity, Endless ocean, Disaster:day of crisis (posiblly 2009), Dragon quest swords: the masked queen and the tower of mirrors, Dragonology, and Maio cart wii.
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