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vito_128 Blog

Well, i think I'm back

Well, it's been at least a year since my last post anywhere here. i moved to a new place, graduated High School, im entering college and life goes on and on.

How have you guys been?

just came from the beach

And it was fun. First time in a loong while i've been that long out in the sun. Also it appears that alas I have not been accepted for the job. Time to go look at the local book store and see if they have something for me to do if only temporarily.

I've definitely got to find something for me to do. I just want to be more productive this summer. I'd do some writing but frankly I just don't feel any of the juices going... Whatever I write seems to be... bland. Boring not something I could read to relax or enjoy.

Otherwise things are going ok enough this summer. There has not been to much of a dry spell. Blackouts are rarer and there has been no shortage of water. So, how have things been going for you guys.

Well, it seems that summer so far ahs been pretty mundane

Just the usual wake up do some errands computer nap eat computer game sleep.

I really need to find something else to do.

I also seem to have discovered a possible job as a intern at a local magazine...

for gaming. I have some writing talent and so I would like to those of you out there who know how to write a resume, can you help out a bit?

Also, finally getting that driver's liscence is not as fun as I thought. For one thing, I have to pay for gas.

Well, it took me 10 years, but I finally did it.

I finally decided to exercise. It took a lot of convincing and some threats made by some friends who I now Know really care. I really should exercise. I will now TRY to be able to pull off 5 real push ups by the end of summer.

Thats a lot of work. Hopefully I'll get it done.

I found this stie.

And now maybe, I can get myself a small deal there. Hopefully they'll accept what small short stories I give. Hopefully. Wish me luck guys.

I really should blog more.

And enter RC for that matter. It's been a loong while. I've been dragged away by friends, family school and work. But all the time I keep going back to GS. I hope I can find time to really just relax and chat here in a RC one day.

Aaaaaaaand it's my Birthday today January 28. :D

Let there be cake and pie!

*rises from ze dead*


Nah... Just messing with you guys. I am still alive and well and not yet part of the zombie horde.Yet. So, you guys may have been wonderign why I have been generally absent form the forum and not blogging, well, I am about to tell you guys exactly why right here in zis blog.

First off, there was the arrival of Dragon Age... I took you guys advice and got it for my PS3 and I have not regretted it.Mostly because I saw what my computer can not handle (which is aparrantly a lot of games). The game has occupied me for a looong time and so far I am still enjoying it. currently I am experimenting with Mage abilities and so far I have gotten some pretty interesting results with the glyph combos. (area of effect spells that are like traps)

Then there were the grueling exams. They were kinda tough but I got ok results. Except for Social Sciences. Aparrantly I got such a good grade that I got exempted from the Exam. Which I aparrantly was hard according to my cla$$mates. After that was the general post exam pre Christmas revelry. It was awesome. Met a nice girl who i like and shares interests with me so I intend on asking her out. Eventually. Hopefully.

Ah and then finally there ws the arrival of my tita (aunt). She is staying for the break here in my house and soon we are going to be spending a lot of time out of the house so i don't expect to be a regular again here in the forums till after the hollidays. Till then, I wish you guys all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!

And For those who don't celebrate either, I say, Happy hollidays!

Dragon Age, For the PS3, or PC?

I have finally obtained the funds for exactly 1 new game and I intend on using this money for Dragon Age. However, I am not quite sure what version I should get. Should it be the PS3 version which can handle the game in it's full awesome,or the PC, where it can be modded over and over again. PC wise, my computer is not that good , not much RAM and it needs more hard drive space. I am not too sure if it can handle the modding. What do you guys think i should get?

I've been tagged!

So hey guys! Things are still looking kinda crappy these days but tomorrow, things are definitely gonna have a streak of awesome! Tomorrow is my cluster night, where me and my club will have a sleep over on school grounds allowing for loads of fun! Anyway, here is my new 10 things list.

1.Despite me fitting the sterotype of nerd very well, I can and will try the more exciting non ball related sports.
Like skydiving. If I could. I wish. Rapelling will have to do.

2. I am a big fan of the lore of just about any franchise you give me. Star Wars, Assassins' Creed, Half-Life etc.

3. I am 5"9 1/2 tall. Pretty tall for someone in my country.

4. I am much better at communicating through writing or typing than speaking. I have learned that I am definetly no orator.

5. I love food.Any kind of not too sweet food.

6. I love to cook food.If I could I would cook more often but I know that the kitchen is pretty small, and things are tight there.

'7. I lack shelf space. I have a huge number of books, but nowhere to store them :< . One ay, I shall devote a room to my library...

8. I am not a music person. The only songs I know that are not in Rock Band, are very very few.

9. I really am such a nerd. Compare me to the sterotype, and i probably fit the bill.

10. I am currently trying to improve my writing. I have a few works right now, and I hope to someday finish a few of the others.

Well, that's all for now guys. Now, as to who i shall tak it will be...

horgen123,JustPlainLucas, and rawsavonWell, the rebirth of this thing will probably let us have a few more entertaining moments. Especially with all the new guys around.