I seem to be losing weight. Unusual considering my usual routine. Which is stay in and alternate between reading, TV and computer.
vito_128 Blog
Another thing I realized.
by vito_128 on Comments
Since I am going to be a Junior next year I should really start deciding on what I should take in college and what college to go to. Can you guys help me out?
UPDATE: After doing a bit of how much these things cost, it all looks like it will cost me a million in local currency.
Per year. D:
I seem to be devoloping a mustache...
by vito_128 on Comments
This is highly unusual coniderng that no one in my family that I know of has one...
So im going to be a Junior nest year...
by vito_128 on Comments
And I just realized what that means. Prom. Im kinda worried. I mean, I have never had one of these before... And then the whole date thing... Im not really sure if I would be even ready to go there...
Mangoes and Summer.
by vito_128 on Comments
So far summer vacation for me has been pretty boring. However around the 2nd week of April, I will be going to Singapore :D. My aunt who lives there, persuaded me to check out the colleges they have there. I may end up studying college over there though I suspect that if I do, I will not enjoy it... I don't know why though.
Old Cheese.
by vito_128 on Comments
it is bad for your gut... VERY bad for your gut. Not to mention the pipes...
Exams are over!!!
by vito_128 on Comments
Freeedom! Now I can finally relax and maybe Ill hang out a bit more over here. It is now my summer break and I plan on fully utilizing it. Wohoo!
Exams and Freedom
by vito_128 on Comments
Is stricken dumb by Empire Total War...
by vito_128 on Comments
I really hope I can get it to run better soon...
Family Reunion
by vito_128 on Comments
So last Sunday, I went to my the ancestral home of the family in Quiapo.
The ancestral home was recently converted into a museum because my family was a core group of the revolutionary group that helped liberate the country from the Spaniards. On the left in the picture above is the country flag and to the left of that is the flag of the Katipuneros. I also recently found out that I am related by marriage to Andres Bonifacio, an important hereo in the revolution, through his widow, Gregoria de Jesus who married my great, great grandfather Julio Nakpil whose song was a candidate for the national anthem.
The house itself is one of the few remaining Spanish designs that survived the liberation of Manila and I believe that the designs both beautiful and convienient. It was quite airy with wide windows and a nice big gorund floor. I wish I could have gotten more pictures but there much too many people to have taken a nice picture. so here a few that I managed to get in a semi desserted area.
The bedroom where my great grand parents lived and also the person I was named after, Dr Ariston Bautista, a doctor
who also developed an early cure for cholera but was banned recently due to certain side effects.
A view from the balcony and the room across is the kitchen.
A memorial plaque to my great great grandmother. May her kind revolutionary spirit live on.
Viva la Revolucion!
One of pieces composed by may great great grandfather.
The recent discovery of mine of my familie's history has intrigued me deeply and I think I will do some more digging into it and I encourage you guys to look at your own. You might be related to someone famous.
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