[QUOTE="horgen123"][QUOTE="vito_128"] Like what? Im as awesome as John Marston with a revolver? No, that your friend is important and that thanks to him you are able to deal with things and not give up. :P Ah, but you see that friend of mine is a girl, and we are not that close. How does this change your analysis?
[QUOTE="horgen123"][QUOTE="vito_128"] It's like I start at the middle of a dream like im in a gunfight and then suddenly a friend of mine pops up then I pop back to what appears to be the real beginning of the dream. Also this friend of mine always pops up Weird... Maybe its trying to tell you something :o Like what? Im as awesome as John Marston with a revolver?
[QUOTE="horgen123"][QUOTE="vito_128"] Undoubtedly good sir. Speaking of sleep, i've been having some frikkin weird dreams lately. What have they been about? It's like I start at the middle of a dream like im in a gunfight and then suddenly a friend of mine pops up then I pop back to what appears to be the real beginning of the dream. Also this friend of mine always pops up
[QUOTE="horgen123"][QUOTE="vito_128"] I agree, it helps remind you that you are alive. Yeah, waking up usually does that :P Undoubtedly good sir. Speaking of sleep, i've been having some frikkin weird dreams lately.
[QUOTE="horgen123"][QUOTE="scorch-62"] Not when they actually manage to wake me up at two in the morning and perpetually return over the course of the twelve hours afterward. That's the beauty with them. I agree, it helps remind you that you are alive.
[QUOTE="zakkro"][QUOTE="vito_128"] My bed happens to double as a couch, I just sleep better in couches so I call it a couch to reinforce it's double nature I call those futons, because it reminds me of the word "croutons." mmm croutons. Ill go make some. *grabs bread, butter and frying pan*
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