If so many people hate CoD how the hell does it manage to sell so much??For god's sake people, try some new IPs, give a chance to other developers, expand your gaming scene, try some different types of games which are already out there rather than pre-ordering a game which you will get after 6 months and you already have an idea what its gonna be like (just like the last one!).Its not piracy or used-game sales that's killing the industry, its people buying the established franchises like COD over and over again.
Here's hoping for a fantastic new setting perhaps open-world, maybe even sandbox-style gameplay, fantastic memorable story, a smooth cover system which shows switches third person while in cover ala Human Revolution, maybe some melee combat ala FEAR, weapon customizations ala Crysis, inventory management ala S.T.A.L.K.E.R, character customizations and maybe even morality issues ala Mass Effect. Some innovations please. Something!! Anything!! Ah well, not really!! Its CoD after-all. Still it'll sell more than all of those combined.
vivekraikkonen's comments