HA! HA! HA! Way to go Australia! But remember the Americans can only gamble in two states HA! HA! HA! can't drink till 21 HA! HA! HA! How are they free?
@19James89 @vongroove You guys keep coming up with cod and assassins creed? How many compared to MArio over 25 years? Count them not even close! You are sick of COD and AC like I am sick of Mario! Maybe you might understand it's time to move on!
@Chico86_basic @vongroove @TomMcShea Then the wii u will continue to sell bad and it will be a flop! But that's ok just so long as you get your old games on them you don't care! I want to but Nintendo but can't because the wii games sucked, all kiddie and revamped games from my SNES turned me right off! Others are seeing this, hence why the U is not selling, it's time to give up the old and move on!
@TomMcShea @vongroove Oh look they where released on the Gamecube, the wii and the wii u? It's getting old now Nintendo can't make new games for love nore money!
@Mugzippit @vongroove Yeah because they play it safe with the Mario name. Why not use new characters? No Because Nintendo want sales, and without the Mario name they just won't sell! Hence why the WII U is selling so bad, people are sick of the same license over and over... Time to move on or go the way of Sega!
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