The Internet is really a place to say what we really think! No restrictions, no parents, no age limites, actually show the real side of what humans are capable of... Agree! Disagree!, that's your objection, but it's a fact... I feel everything is becoming to controlled, to sanitized and some feel the need to release, more than others. But it's your site, you do what you feel is neccessery, but it's the feedback, which really matters...
@DaneGamer @mvfjet Gamespot knew what they where doing, before the review was made available. Maybe it's Gamespots way of attracting attention in the gaming world, who knows. But anyone, with any credentials would have seen what that review was about. And so edited it, or at least kept out the unnecessary political view, or Carolyn. I have been coming to GS for awhile now, love the site, but in defending it's employees opinions against the people who love games, with personnal attacks on them, will drive people away, leaving only the trolls, and I hope that does not happen...
@banana23man @Gamerhomer Yeah but the card in a 360 which GTA V runs on is a 7800 GTX equivalent, check it out, it's years behind a 560Ti which I used to have, so it should handle anything at no less than 60fps, but the incompatable systems means Pc games run slower and need more juice like a 680 at least these days to run smooth!
@banana23man @Gamerhomer Crysis 3 wont run on a 670 at 60fps same for Metro, that's because of bad porting, and that's the problem with PC games they run at terrible fps because they can't be arsed to port them...
The only people who get upset are the console owners... PC people get fed up being shafted with bad ports, and console exclusives, because they made a deal to get there game out and because the developers want more money with less time...
@MAGIC-KINECT Because ddevelopers are lazy money grabbing pricks, GTA V should have been done on PC, it could have been 20x as good, but no they put it on 8 year old tech, and I bet the port like GTA IV is gonna be crap, using a 680 to get 60fps, because the two systems are INCOMPATABLE! PC will always be ahead but until they start making these games for PC and porting them to the less systems, Pc will always fall behind!
We all know it's more powerful, but it's not that most people care about, it's the games after all. PC people like me stomp around and tell console owners how much your system sucks. What the REAL PC people are saying, like me, and what we are really trying to get at, is it's the games and the companies, and the fact they are made soley for the console market. With bad PC porting afterwards... We can all excist just like in the days when Amigas Atari ST MegaDrive Snes all seemed to get along. But that was a time when games where made for each platform, with the odd crossover... With the new x86 for console there should be less complaing and better games all round I'm looking forward to games working well on PC...
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