I hope existing accounts can get to gold... i havnt got any of the dlc's yet as im gonna go for Tameriel Hero first. X3
Considering Hamills age, id personally prefer they wrap up his story... it would be hard to replace Hamill. Just like it be hard to replace Ford.
Yeah both Networks should find a way to play with friends on either network... Each can have their own quirks but it would be AMAZING to be able to play with my friends on PSN on my Xbox or even cross network parties
Still don't get the hate of 10. I for one love it, Cross buy gonna be awesome since i own a One as well.
@mi_hung_lo: could of failed even with him... he demanded his son have a role with him and more money to even be involved
Don't forget 45 minutes had to be cut from this, so expect an extended or directors cut to be nearly as long as the first LotR XD (Theatrical)
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