This is happening all over again. What is amazing is how people quicking shutdown any evidence and proof to what sony does. But no this generation, ALL HAIL SONY. It was a matter of time when people realize that they aren't the holy grail. Sony ALWAYS had a knack for saying oh yea we can do this, but either A. take it away, or b. don't do what they say.
In the end its all about the games. And I wish people wake up to this. You hate microsoft. At least they are honest. Sony....pft. My relationship with sony is a "see it to believe it" bases. And even then I will be cautious.
@bunchanumbers Dude you make no sense. This doesn't promote sales. This encourages cheap gamers, and we already know steam games are dirt cheap anyways.
F... the vita. And f... sony who keeps promising stuff and either it never happens, or they take it away. Still pissed I was promised remote play when vita came out. Never worked. How can I trust you now?
@RiKanKiDD @tymefloc That sounds moronic. No offense. But bad infrastructure, false advertisement, and known for taking features away from the user to recoup more money. You cal that trust?
And sony is giving away free leaks when you preorder from them. HaHaHa. One thing I have learned is microsoft always stayed true. Sony like to tell you crap then change it once you have it. Ps vita should already have the remote play. Why did you take away my linux capable feature? Why did you remove the emulation for bc games? Why are there no more media storage input slots anymore. So basically sony lies to you to get your votes. Microsoft at least stood their ground when there consoles were out.
And now you can't secure content on your network after you supposedly upgraded after the big hack? You expect people to pay you 15 a month when your security is still just as bad. F that. Yall can praise sony all you want, but to me its a wait and see. Don't lie to me when i got the console then take your toys away, or don't have them at all. Still pissed about my vita because of false advertisement.
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