You know when i first heard about this i figured that they would've gone for a kind of Assassin Creed like mutiplayer with the climbing and jumping and everything.
Running around looks fine but there's something awkward looking about the shooting. :S
Yes because the second I am done with my game, I must tweet to all my friends about my experience. Thats how the world works exactly. In Fact I am going to tweet about how much great this video is.
@aniforprez @lordshifu Ha, way to kcik some ass guys. Seriously reading these comments are more fun than watching the entire video. Have to agree with aniforprez , theres nothing in the game video that stands out for me just yet.
The leaper between characters looks good, but it looks like COM characters are pretty thick. 01:15 - 01:19 and throughout the video, while the player takes cover they just seemed to be standing there like idiots!
vsnake48's comments