w1lk1nson's forum posts
YAY, after waiting half a year to get online after my bro took his xbox to uni i can finnaly go back online!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the wireless thing was broke but now im gettin ethernet cable! WOOOOOOOOHHHH . the past term has been a nitemare wiv evryone goin on about xbox after they got one for crimbo but now i can play with them. gd thing i've had a ps3 aswelll. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! i think the gamertAG IS narcoticswilk so add me an ill reply wen i get cable
hello people, i'm waitin for rockband cause i live in ukbut today i just realised that as i have gh3, it takes up 1 usb port out of two so does rockband take up 3??? cause if it does i probs wont get it....... also, is it much better than gh3?
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