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seriously, my haterid for unions is well known but I'm active in only 2, those 2 unions are the CCC and the CCU... that on it's on is awesome....

Candid Collectors Union
Comunity Contributions Union


Final Fantasy VII (7) staff meeting

my thanks to Billy the Bum for writing this hilarious meeting up for everyone.

I have a few things to say before you read this.
this is in no way a REAL staff meeting.
this isn't meant to insult fans of FF7, it was written by one.
this is for comical enjoyment only, may be offencive at times.
this doesn't fit into 1 post so there will be 3 blogs, please read in correct order.

Squaresoft Exec: “All right, everyone, welcome. Now, I know that our last game succeeded so well, but we’re once again going to start fresh. A whole new set of characters, a whole new world, a whole new everything. This company will never stoop to making direct sequels or milking any one game in the Final Fantasy series… do you all understand me?”

Everyone Else: “Yes sir!”

Squaresoft Exec: “Good, now… we’ve had a bit of a… falling out with Nintendo. Looks like we’re never going to work for them again. But no worries, Sony’s picking up the bill, and we’re working for them now. First order of business is, of course, now we no longer have to worry about that pesky ‘censorship’ crap Nintendo keeps feeding us. Sony is encouraging us to make the next installment in the series more… mature.”

Company Guy #1: “I suggest a more deeply involved plotline and also more complex game mechanics.”

Squaresoft Exec: “Insolence! I said mature, you imbecile. I want a character… no, wait, make it two characters who do nothing but swear. And you! Give me a lead female with breasts this big, long legs, and a skirt that almost comes down to the bottom of her ass.”

Company Guy #2: “But sir… that’s ridiculous.”

Squaresoft Exec: “Insolence! Also, I want the lead character to carry around a sword this big.”

Company Guy #1: “Um… sir? That’s physically impossible. It sounds like something a five year-old would think up.”

Squaresoft Exec: “And spiky hair! Give him really spiky hair! That means that he’s a ‘cool’ character. But make him different enough so that nobody confuses him with that Crono idiot.”

Company Guy #2: “Sir, are you sure you’re all right?”

Squaresoft Exec: “And a talking dog! Oh, man, this new game is gonna be so ****ing awesome!”

Company Guy #1: “All right, then… slutty female lead, potty-mouthed sidekicks, cheap Crono knockoff with unreasonably large sword, and a talking dog… anything else?”

Squaresoft Exec: “Oh, one of those sidekick guys? Make him this huge guy… and give him a gun for an arm! And load them both up with ‘tude.”

Company Guy #2: “Sir… I have to protest. This is pure insanity. Nobody would buy this drivel.”

Squaresoft Exec: “Insolence! Shut your hole, Company Guy #2! Now, where was I?”

Company Guy #1: “Somewhere between hallucinations, I think.”

Squaresoft Exec: “Insolence!”

FF7 meeting prt 2

Company Exec: “All right, I have another idea.”

Company Guy #1: “Sir, I’m going to ask you to please refrain from more ideas based on hallucinations. We already gave in to your ‘cat riding a giant stuffed animal’ idea, and I’m not quite sure how much more creativity this game can take. It’s like Alice in frickin’ Final Fantasy land.”

Company Exec: “Insolence! No, I’m talking about the plot, you pinhead. It’s going to start off as a bunch of rebels fighting against the evil empire, right?”

Company Guy #2: “Just like every other Final Fantasy game we’ve ever made, yes.”

Company Exec: “But then, really shortly into the game, the real bad guy shows up and kills everybody at the evil empire headquarters with a sword this long!”

Company Guy #2: “Sir, what have we told you about unreasonably large objects?”

Company Guy #1: “Also, after that ‘giant cannon’ idea you pitched earlier, there are already enough phallic references in this game already. I’m going to again have to suggest that the ‘mako energy’ fired by the cannon be any color other than milky white.”

Company Exec: “Fine, fine… but can we still call it the ‘Giant Wang’?”

Company Guy #2: “No, sir, our stockholders would lynch us.”

Company Exec: “Well, on with the plot. Now, the main character is going ot have to go through some kind of a… personal struggle. Maybe… ooh, I’ve got it! He used to work for the evil empire!”

Company Guy #1: “Sounds like a good idea.”

Company Exec: “And also, he needs to hallucinate a lot and have a voice that talks to him that only he can hear!”

Company Guy #2: “So… he’s insane, then?”

Company Exec: “Oh, and God, this is going to be funny, we’ll just make him do some really ****ed up ****, like have his mind controlled by the bad guy, and make him hand over the key to destroying the whole world over to him!”

Company Guy #1: “Sir, studies have shown that people generally do better in video games when they actually like the main character. It tends to make them not seek out new ways to make them die in some horrible fashion.”

Company Exec: “Well, that’s easy enough, then. We’ll just compensate by making the game really, really easy. I want to see an attack capable of doing a bajillion kajillion HP of damage.”

Company Guy #2: “Sir, that’s not even a real number.”

Company Exec: “Insolence! And we’ll call it… um, Knights of the Round! Only something less stupid-sounding. And the whole attack will just be your enemies getting the **** pounded out of them for five minutes!”

Company Guy #1: “*Sigh*”

Squaresoft Exec: “Anyways… I’m very excited about this new Final Fantasy title. As you all know, it will be the first Final Fantasy to be completely 3D.”

Company Guy #1: “Um, about that, sir… I should warn you that this technology is still very new to us, and we haven’t worked out all the kinks yet.”

Squaresoft Exec: “What do you mean?”

Company Guy #1: “Well, Sir, I mean that using polygonal technology on a screen so small, the characters are going to look very deformed… kind of like Popeye on steroids.”
Squaresoft Exec: “I’ve thought about this, actually. No worries, however, because we have made a brand-new discovery. I call it the CG Cutscene.”

Company Guy #2: “What is that, Sir?”

Squaresoft Exec: “Insolence! With the CG Cutscene, we can create brief, non-interactive scenes throughout the game which are graphically superior to anything the world has ever seen before.”

Company Guy #1: “And what of the other 99% of the game?”
Squaresoft Exec: “Insolence! It doesn’t matter what the rest of the game looks like! Just make enough use of the CG Cutscene so we can create commercials containing only CG Cutscenes. So then everybody will think that’s what the whole game looks like!”

Company Guy #2: “Sir… that’s false advertising. As well as going against every code of ethics this company is built on.”
Squaresoft Exec: “Insolence! Do you want to spend another day in the snake pit, Company Guy #2!?”

Company Guy #2: “No, Sir.”

Company Guy #1: “So, wait... let me get this straight... you're proposing that we pool all of our resources into working on what can only possibly constitute less than 1% of the game?”
Squaresoft Exec: “Do you have a problem with that?”

Company Guy #1: “Only that people are going to be a tad bit miffed when they realize that they spent 50 dollars on what basically amounts to a small collection of thirty-second movie clips.”

Squaresoft Exec: “Insolence!”

Company Guy #1: “And what of vehicles in this game, sir? The standard airship, I’m assuming?”

Squaresoft Exec: “Yes. We’ll call it the Highwind. And it’ll be long and hard, and it’ll have two ball-shaped chambers near its base.”

Company Guy #1: “Sir, you’ve been warned about this already.”

Squaresoft Exec: “Oh, and a submarine, too!”

Company Guy #2: “Oh, Jesus.”

Squaresoft Exec: “And if possible, how about a giant, flying penis?”

Company Guy #1: “Ok, Sir, that’s enough! Between ridiculously oversized swords, a canon the size of a city, and a pair of breasts you could fly around the world in, I think this game is by far sexual enough! For Christ’s sakes, why don’t you just have the lead character get in a hot tub with seven other sweaty, oily men in Speedos!?”

Squaresoft Exec: “…” *Smiles a little bit*

Company Guy #2: “Oh, no…”

Squaresoft Exec: “I like the way you think! Get to work on this idea immediately!”

Company Guy #1: “Sir… no. Just, God, words cannot even describe how wrong this is.”

Squaresoft Exec: “Insolence! I want a group of several large, muscular men in Speedos to make several appearances throughout the game! Their leader shall be called Mukki, and they will spend their time giving each other oil back massages and making the lead character feel pretty. Mmm… it’ll be… wonderful!”

Company Guy #1: “Sir… your pants are… oh, God! Are you wearing women’s underwear!?”

Squaresoft Exec: “Yes! And the lead character will have to dress up as a girl! And he’ll feel all pretty and lovely and handsome and… um, I think I should excuse myself.”

Company Guy #1: “What did I do wrong in a past life?”

Squaresoft Exec: “Well, then, let’s move on to the battle mechanics.”

Company Guy #1: “Lest you cream yourself again, yes, lets.”

Squaresoft Exec: “What have you all got for me?”

Company Guy #2: “Well, sir, given the 3D nature of the battlefield graphics, we can actually fully animate each attack, as well as give each character a unique celebratory pose, as opposed to before, when it looked like the whole party spontaneously decided to do the Hokey Pokey.”

Squaresoft Exec: “Excellent! For the female lead, I want her celebratory dance to somehow involve thrusting her chest out. In fact… just make it thrusting her chest out.”

Company Guy #1: *Sigh* “Ok, sir, we can do that, but you have to promise us not to actually make an enemy called ‘Touch Me’. Deal?”

Squaresoft Exec: “Insolence! There will be no deal, young Jedi.”

Company Guy #2: “Um, anyways, sir, I’d also like to talk about the summon attacks. Anyone in the party can use them, and they’re the most powerful attacks in the game. In addition, each summon attack will have a lengthy and impressive animation.”
Squaresoft Exec: “Yes, I saw some of them earlier! I like them very much, and I think the player should, too. In fact, I think the player should be forced to watch them every time they use the attack.”

Company Guy #1: “Sir… that’s ridiculous. The animations are bound to get old after the fiftieth time people have seen them. We should at least have a skip button or something.”

Squaresoft Exec: “Insolence!”

Squaresoft Exec: "I had another idea, actually."

Company Guy #1: "If it involves the word Speedo, Sir, I will stab you with my pen."

Squaresoft Exec: "Well, I thought that in this Final Fantasy, we might expand on the various breeds of chocobos... perhaps even allowing players to breed their own!"

Company Guy #1: "That's... actually a good idea."

Squaresoft Exec: "I'm thinking major side quest potential here. Everything from catching them in the wild to training them to feeding them to breeding them... and each higher breed of chocobo will have a further benefit to the player. "

Company Guy #1: "Sounds good... what's the catch?"

Squaresoft Exec: "If I could direct your attention over here, I've drawn up an example family tree."

Company Guy #1: "Um... isn't a family tree supposed to fork?"

Squaresoft Exec: "Insolence!"

Company Guy #1: "But wait... if those two are brother and sister, and... oh, God, Sir. And then the next one is it's grandmother and... Sir! God, no, this is wrong!"

Squaresoft Exec: "Is something wrong, Company Guy #1?"

Company Guy #1: "Sir, this is madness. What you are encouraging is inbreeding so horribly rampant that by all medical logic, the eventual offspring should be physically and mentally retarted beyond all human capacity."

Company Guy #2: "I don't see anything wrong with it."

Company Guy #1: "Where are you from again?"

Company Guy #2: "West Virginia... why?"

Company Guy #1: "That explains so much."

Squaresoft Exec: "Insolence!"

Company Guy #1: "Sir... I think we should address the difficulty issue in this game. Do you know that there are several attacks which can kill the final boss in just one hit?"

Squaresoft Exec: "Hmm... ok, we'll compromise. You! I want an enemy... no, wait, two of them with a bajillion kajillion zillion HP."

Company Guy #1: "Sir... what have we said about using numbers that don't exist?"

Squaresoft Exec: "Insolence! And we'll call them something like... um... I dunno. Red Guy and Green Guy, I guess."

Company Guy #2: "Sir, I just ran that idea past our Japaneese correspondant. He says that if you even think about putting something that asinine in the Japanese version, he'll have your testicles for lunch."

Squaresoft Exec: "Ok, cancel Red and Green Guy on the Japanese version. Also try and think up of better names than Red and Green Guy. Just whatever you do, don't do something so cliched as naming them after gemstones or something. A little originality, please?"

Company Guy #1: "I hear that human testicles are considered a delicacy in Japan."

Company Guy #2: "Please shut up."

FF7 meeting prt. 3

Squaresoft Exec: "Insolence! Now, I want to to focus all of your attnetion on making these two battles the most difficult and lengthy battles to take place in a Final Fantasy game."

Company Guy #1: "Wouldn't it make more sense to make the rest of the game... well, not ridiculously easy?"

Squaresoft Exec: "No, we're making the game "mature", not hard. The average gamer doesn't want a challenge, they want boobs, spiky hair, and a lot of swearing. Jesus, didn't they teach you anything in that marketing class of yours?"

Company Guy #1: "The way you're going, you might as well center an entire quest in this game around going to a Goddamn brothel."

Squaresoft Exec: "..." *smiles a bit*

Company Guy #1: "Oh, Jesus, not again."

Squaresoft Exec: "Remind me to promote you later. You! Work on this brothel idea. Work it aroudn that idea I had earlier about the main character dressing up as a girl. This game is gonna be so ****ing awesome!"

Company Guy #1: "I hate my life."

Squaresoft Exec: "Well, then, who has anything else to add?"
Company Guy #2: "I suggest that with the processing speed of the Playstation, as well as the graphical capabilties, we introduce a wide variety of 'mini games' to provide the player with a welcome distraction to the main game."

Squaresoft Exec: "I like it. Keep going."

Company Guy #2: "Sir, I give you the Gold Saucer. Think of Atlantic City meets Disney Land. It will be home to a wide host of mini games."

Squaresoft Exec: "Right... ooh! Can the owner of the place wear a speedo?"

Company Guy #1: "I hate you."

Squaresoft Exec: "Insolence! Company Guy #2, what will the player's motivation be for playing these 'mini games'?"

Company Guy #2: "Rare weapons and armor, or course."

Company Guy #1: "You mean to tell me that you go out to an arcade/casino, gamble, and instead of money, your rewards are weapons of mass destruction?"

Company Guy #2: "Yeah... so?"

Company Guy #1: "That's asinine. Vegas doesn't hand out nukes to any schmuck that lines up three 7's in a row."

Company Guy #2: "I don't see anything wrong with it."

Squaresoft Exec: "Insolence! It's a perfect idea. Just don't forget the owner's speedo."

Squaresoft Exec: “Back to the plot for a minute… we’re going to need a really big scene. I mean, a shocker. I’m talking a scene that will go down in the anals of Final Fantasy history.”
Company Guy #1: “Um… sir… the word is ‘annals’.”
Squaresoft Exec: “Insolence!”

Company Guy #2: “Well, the confrontation of Kefka was pretty memorable. Mayhaps we should do something akin to that?”
Squaresoft Exec: “No, that’s too hard. We’ll just kill somebody.”

Company Guy #1: “Sir, that’s your solution to everything. For God’s sakes, you can make an interesting plotline without constantly killing people off, you know.”

Company Guy #2: “Well, um… it can be a pretty powerful device, if used right. Were you looking for something along the lines of a vengeful death, like Tellah? Or one of those sad, poignant ones, like Cid from FF6?”

Squaresoft Exec: “Bah, everything’s gotta have a story with you two. Look, just get on the Goddamn CG machine and show me the bad guy stabbing a flower girl or something.”

Company Guy #1: “Ok… one pointless and gruesome death, coming up.”

Squaresoft Exec: “Just… no blood. God, I can’t stand the sight of that stuff. Gives me the willies.”

Company Guy #1: “Isn’t that the entire point of this scene?”
Squaresoft Exec: “Insolence! I said no blood!”

Company Guy #1: *Sigh* “Ok… one miraculously bloodless stabbing of a young girl, coming right up. Jesus, is there anything else you want? Perhaps you’d prefer that while the bad guy is for some reason stabbing the hell out of a little girl, he be wearing a speedo?”

Squaresoft Exec: “…” *Smiles a little bit*

Company Guy #1: “No.”

Squaresoft Exec: “Ok, good morning, all… please refrain from speaking loudly, moving around, or breathing very much, because I am hung-over as **** right now, and I’d appreciate it if you all complied.”

Company Guy #1: “Sir, I really think these meetings would be more productive if for once you would arrive not under the influence of mind-altering substances.”

Squaresoft Exec: “Insolence! I said I’m hung over, you sniveling weasel, not drunk. So unless a McNugget is a mind-altering substance… is it?”

Company Guy #2: “In most states, Sir. Except for West Virginia.”

Squaresoft Exec: “Anyways, look… I had a few ideas last night that I wanted to run by you guys. If I can just find where I wrote them down…”
*Rifles through pockets*

Company Guy #1: “Right, you had some ideas… while you were drunk.”

Squaresoft Exec: *Still looking through his pockets* “Insolence!”

Company Guy #1: “This should be interesting.”

Squaresoft Exec: *Pulls out a cocktail napkin and throws it down on the table* “There we go!”

Company Guy #2: “Um… sir… this is a bunch of scribbles on a napkin.”

Squaresoft Exec: “Um, no, it’s a Transformer, see?”

Company Guy #1: “A Transformer, right… and how does this relate to Final Fantasy 7 again?”

Squaresoft Exec: “Well, I thought it would be cool if you had one of them on your team.”

Company Guy #2: “Sir, last night you also thought it would be cool to light your farts on fire. And all that led to was burn marks on your ass and a hefty fine for public indecency.”
Squaresoft Exec: “Insolence! There will be a Transformer on the team, Goddammit!”

Company Guy #1: “You want a giant, transformable robot on the team?”

Squaresoft Exec: “Eh, no, make him a guy. A ‘cool’ guy, with lots of ‘tude.”

Company Guy #2: “No offense, Sir, but we’re becoming less and less clear of your interpretation of the word ‘’tude’.”
Squaresoft Exec: “Well… um, make him quiet… and mysterious… and, um… when he gets mad, he can turn into Frankenstein, or that crazy ****er with the hockey mask and chainsaw.”

Company Guy #1: “You mean Jason.”

Squaresoft Exec: “Yeah, that’s the guy.”

Company Guy #1: “Sir, in addition to being really, really stupid, that’s also copyright infringement. We could be sued.”

Squaresoft Exec: “Insolence! We’re putting Transformer Guy into the game and that’s final!”

Squaresoft Exec: “Well, then… that’s just about everything, then. Does anybody have anything else to add?”

Company Guy #1: “Why do we allow you to breathe?”

Squaresoft Exec: “Insolence!”

Company Guy #1: “Sir, you’ve only managed to produce one of the most insane pieces of drivel I have ever imagined. The plot sounds as if it was written by a madman, the lead character is a Goddamn nutjob who thinks a piece of aluminum siding is a sword, the gameplay is ridiculously easy with maybe enough side quests and mini games to distract from that, and the graphics rely entirely on the 1% of the game that doesn’t look like a polygon demon ejaculated all over it. If this game sells more than 50 copies, I will eat this meeting table. And what we do sell will be to horny little bastard kids who think Tifa is hot.”

Company Guy #2: “I want to have sex with Tifa.”

Company Guy #1: “Shut up. Sir, haven’t you learned anything from Tomb Raider? Games relying entirely on sex appeal… actually sell pretty well. Damn.”

Sqauresoft Exec: “So, now, what have we learned about what it is gamers today want?”

Company Guy #1: *Sigh* “They want sex appeal, ‘tude, cool cars, bright and shiny graphics, mini games, really big swords, and none of that pesky ‘challenge’ crap.”

Squaresoft Exec: “And…?”

Company Guy #1: “Don’t make me say it…”

Sqauresoft Exec: “Insolence! Say it!”

Company Guy #1: *Sigh* “…and Speedos.”

Sqauresoft Exec: “Excellent.”

Company Guy #1: “I’m going to kill myself now. Good luck trying to sell this piece of crap.”
Squaresoft Exec: “Hahaha, you insolent fools. This will be the best-selling game of all time! In fact, I think that if there were ever a contest to determine the greatest game of all time, then this new Final Fantasy would win that title.”

Company Guy #2: "Why do we allow him to breathe?"

Company Guy #1: “Ok, I think maybe we’re getting a little ambitious, Sir. What kind of idiots would vote this as the best game of all time over, say, Super Mario 3 or Chrono Trigger? That’s just insanity, really.”

Company Guy #2: “Yeah, it is. Those games were actually… you know, good.”

Squaresoft Exec: “Insolence! I will say this right now, and mark my words: BEST. GAME. EVAR!”

Company Guy #2: “Sir, you’re peeing in your pants.”

Squaresoft Exec: *Looks down* “Indeed I am…”


oh the games just roll in again....

Taking the advantage of the 2get1sale and 20% off from GI it’s game buying time…

Xbox – used –
mint & complete
AMF Bowling 2004
Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee

Playstation 2 – used
mint & complete
Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick
Max Payne
Sega Classics Collection (still sealed, not new)

DS – used – mint & complete
Space Invaders Revolution

Game Cube Nintendo – used –mint & complete
P.N. 03
Die Hard Vendetta

Game Boy Color – used
Cart only
Flinstones: Burgurtime in Bedrock ***ultra rare***

NGAGE – used
New & sealed
Roots: gates of chaos
Requiem of Hell
Red Faction
Colin McRea Rally 2005

Mint & complete-
Tony Hawks Pro Skater
Tomb Raider
Splinter Cell

cart only-
Sims Bustin’ Out (plastic case included)

(only 5 more Ngage games to go)

DVD’s mint & complete
The Tie That Binds
Pacific Heights
Forever Young

Total = 1$19.16

I used my employee discount on the following

GBA – new & sealed
Ripping Friends
Dr. Mario & Puzzle League

DS- new

Total = $49.96

I found this gem at FYE
GBA- new & sealed
Wing Commander Prophecy

Total = 15.74

in other news, I had very little game time today with all the non gaming I was doing but I did beat the finals in YGO!: nightmare troubadour only to find out the prisze was stolen..... and in animal crossing I managed to do savanas deliveries noticing misstranslates in both games such as "Let's already return" from yougioh wen you stay out too late or just being told the wrong name in AC

more games, more madness, more quest


so, the new games are....
Simpsons Road Rage
Full Spectrum Warrior
Shellshock nam '67
Project gothem 2
all XBOX, disc only, ok-terrible condition free from the garbage.... all work, some with minor sound glitches
RFonline beta (PC) new & sealed
FFXI beta (XBOX360) new

I was playing Shadow Madness most of last night. I got to the second disc with my main char and 1st female companion. the first mission on disc 2 was a shooter..... that’s right a shooter in an RPG go crave..... anyway I continued on and got my new third member (underworld female) that storyline was near completion so I decided to switch back to my other team (which required disc 1 again) to pick up where they left off, with my harvester on point he and my mage warrior made it all the way into the snow village mountain beat up some enemies and got an ice element charm (adds new attacks) we cleared zombies out of the village, beat a boss, then I saved and quit for the night.
1 last thing to mention... I spent a good 30 min on lock picking a LVL 3 chest..... simon says is one thing..... this is a *word for female dog*

I woke up way too early this morning so I picked up everquestOAF and started playing some, it seems I should’ve played more, I again missed holiday content..... oh well..... I joined a new guild shortly after disbanding my old one due to inactivity...... again.... oh well...... got my tailoring and armoring skills up though...

also while on the road I managed to get to the semi finals in YGO: Nightmare Troubadour and am at an impass in TO: Knights of Lodis due to getting killed horribly....

I guess tonight, I'll play some counter-strike and/or crimson skies for a bit of the old ultra violence and human contact.....

as for the UPIP games, shadow madness takes alot of time and effort, the rest of the games are cued up... sorry for the inconvenience

I'm so Ngaged..... also HUGE GAMER ALERT! and more

OK, I picked up more Ngage stuff today I'm listing it.....

all Ngage
Pandemonium (mint & complete)
Fifa Soccer 2004 (new & sealed)
Fifa Soccer 2005 (new & Sealed)
King of Fighters Extreme (mint & complete)
Puyo Pop (mint & complete)
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 (Mint & complete)
Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm (mint, no manual)
Ngage Mobile Charger (new & sealed) will remain sealed untill I get an Ngage (I'm not buying a QD) I also may return this since below item comes with it
Ngage Official Starter Kit (by madcatz) (new & sealed) see above

Total = $53.74

as for the HUGE GAMER ALERT....

GameStop is having a buy 2 get 1 free sale from opening on the 24th till close on the 28th, this may be one of the last times it is buy 2 get 1 free they ever do. the coperate office wants to see if the sales numbers are better worse or eaqual to buy 3 get 1 free, if they are better the buy 2 stays if they are worse or eaqual then the buy 3 stays so go out and take advantage! (also gamestops that have DVDs will have the 5.99 DVDs at 4 for $10 and the buy 2 get 1 counts on the DVDs as well)

and for those of you unaware this is on pre-played only

as for the more......

I get paid on friday so I plan to be buying quite a few games in this sale.... stay tuned for those

in my spare time, I've been playing Shadow Madness and have finally got my 4th party member and split into 2 groups thus making 2 adventures to complete. we are now closer to defeating the cause of the evil shadow monsters but it requires more help then just the 4 of us.... *is that a flying city?*

I've seached a few times for those of you who have given me friend codes in various DS games with no luck.....

I still can't use my Ebay Account (waiting for paypal to reset my balance to the new checking account)

I'm in much better spirits then last week. many contributing factors to this, if you care what and why I'll tell you through PM.

and finally, I've decided to reconstruct yet again since my shelvs are not enough anymore *ponders where gamestop orders its shelving walls from*

added Jan.24th: while playing animal crossing I noticed a bottle wash ashore, I picked it up only to find out it read:
"Guess who got hitched?!
We finally did it!(music note)
We look forward to our
future together and all
that it holds!
                      Sean(heart)Shawn 4-ever!"

apperentally Animal crossing promotes same-sex marrage. good for you nintendo. I'm proud of nintendo for this one, hopefully this game doesn't get attacked for it though....

all recent pick-ups in 1 blog with as much news and updates available

Store 1

WWF War Zone – N64 - upgraded to mint & complete
WCW Mayhem – N64 - mint & complete
Madden NFL 2002 – N64 - upgraded near perfect mint & complete to perfect mint & complete
Banjo – Kazooie – N64 – upgraded to mint & complete
Madden 2000 – N64 - mint & complete
WWF: No Mercy – N64 - upgraded to near mint & complete
007 The World Is Not Enough – N64 - mint & complete
Total of $29.38 – as for the extra stuff if you want any of it let me know before I return them Sunday.

Store 2

Point Blank 3 – PS1 – no manual and blockbuster sticker on disc
Card games – PS1 - mint & complete
World Cup 98 – N64 -no manual, box and cart are worn slightly
Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Saves the Day – GBC – complete, box and manual need replacing
Total of $25.50

Store 3

Jet Moto 2 – PS1 - mint & complete
Kickboxing – PS1 - mint & complete
Total of $4.70

Store 4
Virtua Tennis – Ngage – new & sealed
NCAA Football 2004 – Ngage – new & sealed
Marcel Desaily Pro Soccer – Ngage – new & sealed
Xanadu Next – Ngage – new & sealed
Total 22.88

Previous purchuses of the month…
shattered union (XBOX) complete - near mint (disc has a few light scratches but plays great)
Ballz (SNES) cart only - mint
Destination Earthstar (NES) cart only - mint
Hardball 95' (Genesis) cart only - mint (1 more out of the hardball collection)
Little Mermaid (Genesis) cart only - mint
Ready 2 Rumble (DC) disc only - mint
NHL 2K (DC) disc only - mint
Deathtrap Dungeon (ps1) spine and manual cover included but not in great shape... disc has marker on it
Iron & Blood (ps1) disc only - poor but plays fine
Grind session (ps1) disc only - mint
G police: weapons of justice (ps1) disc only - mint
Burstrick Wake Boarding (ps1) complete & mint
Assault Retribution (ps1) disc only - mint

total of $46.71

me keeps any non doubble.... (all guides were free)
Time Crisis (PS1) Uber mint & complete!
ODT (ps1) mint & complete copy to replace my non complete copy
total = $7.05 (I'm returning the old ODT to obtain more ngage games)
Chaos Field (gcn) mint & complete 17.02 (stupid tax)
Makai Kingdom (official) guide (3 copies)
Veiwtiful Joe 2 guide by bradygames
Shellshock Nam 67' guide by brady games (2copies)
Phantasy Star Online CARD revolution (they should've made it waffle revolution, it would have sold better)
Strnghold 2 guide by prima
Act of War: direct action guide by brady games
Advance Wars: Duel Strike (official) guide (2 copies)
Myst IV: Revelation guide by prima
Armored Core: Nexus guide by prima (2 copies)
Matrix Online guide by prima (5 copies)
Fire Emblem: the Sacred Stones (offical) guide
Yu-Gi-Oh! Relief of Destruction guide by prima
Samurai Warriors guide by prima
Genji: Dawn of the Samurai (official) guide (3 copies)
Ratchet & Clank: up you arsonal by brady games
Metal Gear Acid guide by brady games (3 copies)
Hitman: Contracts guide by prima (2 copies)
WWE: Day of Reckoning guide by prima
Goldeneye Rougue Agent guide by prima (4 copies)
Ghost Recon 2 guide by prima (2 copies)
Lemony Snicket's: A seriesof unfortunite events guide by brady games
Dragon Ball Z Supersonic Warriors guide by prima
PSX & PS2 greatest hits codebook by prima

Elder Schrools travels: shadow key – Ngage – new & sealed
Pathway to glory – Ngage – new & sealed
total of $11.26

Steel Talons -Genesis - cart only -mint
Hydlide - NES - cart only - mint
Wing Commander - SNES - cart only - mint
Fighting Force 2 - DC - complete - MINT
Rippin' Riders - DC - disc only - mint
Star Wars: episode 1 Racer - N64 - cart only - mint
total of $21.19

Metroid Prime $1.00
Rugrats: Totally Angelica for free, it was disc only
Tsugunai: Atonement (PS2) today for $10.02 complete, near mint

all new & sealed

mario kart DS bundle (DS) $150
Tail of the sun (PS1) $10
720* (GBC) $15

new but not sealed

Mobile Light force 2 (PS2) $5

go!go! hypergrind! GCN, MINT, no manual....
Tenchu: return from darkness XBOX complete, near mint
Galleon XBOX complete, near mint

total came to $16.04

Bust A Groove (PS1) MINT & COMPLETE ***ultra rare***
Command & Conquer: Red Alert (PS1) good condition, complete*semi-rare*
Final Fantasy Tactics (PS1) original version MINT & complete*semi-rare*
Dual Hearts (PS2) mint & complete**pretty rare**

total = $51.86

PS1 games
Oddworld: Abes Exoddus (mint and complete)
Fighting Force 2 (near mint and complete)

As for soon to be reviews….
Streets of Rage 2 – genesis – waiting for a friend…..
Shadow Madness – PS1 – played a little over the weekend… getting interesting
Fatal Frame – XBOX/PS2 got somewhat into it….. I keep forgetting the controls…
Mario Kart DS – I need to learn power-sliding better…..

got alot of crap going on in my life right now, try not to offend me, I can't be responcible for the outcome..