@afsari123: im stating a fact you can not draw pictures of the prophet or you will be murdered in your workplace like charlie hebo massacre or the teacher that was beheaded in France for drawing a picture depicting the muslim faith.
Worst halo to date. Its like its still in alpha its crazy that this is supposed to be microsofts flagship tittle it should be flawless. Makes me a liitle worried about future games from ms.
@rolento25: whats your point? That doesn't disregard which is the superior option and my opinion of sony moving there games to higher tiers to rip you off, just look at the articles on this very site and YouTube reviewers too as they seem to be the go to journalists these days.
@Barighm: what makes no sense to you? I may be wrong as it was years ago but im sure i got put off the first borderlands game as you had to complete the game to unlock a standard checkpoint difficulty setting. Its strange nobody understands what im saying but il say it again in hope of confirmation.... In the first borderlands game if you died you would spawn back and the enemies you killed before you died wouldint spawn back and bosses health wouldn't regenerate so felt completely pointless as there was litterly zero challenge,for example like halo doom or any other fps i have played if you died you would respawn at a checkpoint and any npcs or bosses you fought would respawn with full health and you would try again.
(edit i would really appreciate an answer to this from someone that has played wonderlands as it look like a great co op game).
I would put money on stingy sony taking it off as with others in the near future to add to there new teir system. If you want good consumer services when it come to bc or or subscription go with xbox as its far superior. As a side note i have a ps4 with litterly one game and thats persona 5 my favourite game from last gen. lol
@xd34dl1n3rx: or mabye millions of people like myself that have plenty of spare cash but little spare time to be playing with toys all day on multiple consoles. Series x with gamepass is perfect for me and i game around 2 hours a day on average and haven't had to buy a game since Christmas 2019.
@Pyrosa: yes the first one. I remember dying you lose a little bit of money and spawn back but anything you killed wouldn't spawn back so it felt pointless to me as you could just shoot die shoot with no consequences.
@maustin5: no i mean when you die you spawn back with full health while enemies and even bosses health stays down making the gameplay feel pointless. Apparently you had to complete the game to unlock a good difficulty option.
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