@kazeswen: HAHAHAHA. LOTR is better than GoT, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That shit, snooze fest of a movies, lol. What are you going to say next, that the Hobbit which is one book, and was made into 3 movies is a masterpiece too? You don't like GoT change a channel.
IF this PS "NEO" will actually be released anytime soon, ill just sell my PS4 and buy that version. I'm using my xbox a lot more than I use my PS4, so I have no problems with that.
Unbelievable, people will whine about everything, and here I thought that the whining stopped when 2015 ended. Ms gives you F2P Forza, that will probably be a stunning game. They whine it's not a full price game. MS gives you QB, people whine it's only on Win10. Baggers can't be choosers.
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