walrein948's forum posts
hi there i need a pretty necklace, regal purple dye, a puny carrot and a pure experiance extract if you have any of these please sell me them and tell me how much you want for them.
my gamertag is fatboy948
or i will add you =]
i bought a laser cannon in the single player but after that when i started the next match thing i didnt hav the laser cannon but i thought once you buy a tower you keep it becuase im trying to get some torphies but i cnt do any without better towers can somebody tell me how to get more thanks =]
becuase i have a big problem becuase my last save was in the mermorial where u kill the last guy at the end of the game and its the only save i have and you can't leave the room with the purifier so does this mean im stuck because i cant do anything i cant leave and do the side quests becuase im stuck there is there anything i can do exept for start again?!:evil:
somebody hacked my account and has really screwed it up and i cant get trophies cus he's copied my data and i cant sync my trophies it always gets an error so i need help from sony
does any1 know how i can email or phone them or that cud help me with my problem?
the same thing happend with the ds it had good ol'nintendo games and then they start bringing out crap games i mean who wants to pay money for a game called spyfox: dry cereal or de blob when you can pay money for gta or cod or even gears of war i mean i loved the old nintendo games much more than games on ps2 and all that thats why i had a gamecube but now theres no good games for wii and even the mario games are mario tennis and stuff like that thats why i eventually got a ps3 but what happend to games like super mario sunshine kirby airide it just really annoys me and i was just wondering if anyone else feels the same and also whenever theres a good game thats out for another console most of the time its not on the wii which i dont get why not, like cod 5 apart from wii wud might not be able to handle the online its just really stupid
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