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hipe and crap:aka let downs

im going give you all5 quick games you should avoid with or without the hipe

(note all these games i have been on)

1. GTA4 all versions of the new ones to short and nothing to do after

2. star wars battlefront elite squadron

3. dissidia 012 (it ok if yo havent had the 1st one or you a complete FF nut but if you dont fall it to these catagorys it like a expensive DLC) / o what all DLC is expensive these days XD

4. dragon ball raging blast 2(there getting worse /the only good thing is quiters lose points/and im a DBZ nut)get raging blast 1 if you aftergood online,but ifafter lots of charicters or a STORY mode get Boduki Tenkiechi 3

5. last rebelion (just avoid this)


come on, hackers are still running rampert oncall of dutyWAW, Have you lerned enything get the hell of psn and get a life, YOUR NOT COOL, YOUR ANNOYING (SONY MAKE Amore user feandly REPORT BUTTON) i like waw when im playing real gamers but hake ruin win streeks and fun

PSN is back yay

I'm borrowing mass effect 2 of my friend (haven't started it because the PSN came up the moment I put the disk in, I checked it before is started every game) seen him on it looks awesome, haven't seen eny plot spoilers though which is good in games like this I be my self in the choices I make .

In other news PSN's back up yay so my epic pawning on RB 1 (dislike RB2 got rid of it) can start again LOL:) (my skill is perfect in every way)

Other games ill be on is CALL OF DUTY WORLD AT WAR, Battlefield bad company 2 and maybe GT5 after my friend is finished with it.

stuff of the month

im going to a stuff of the month cos im bored

word of the month:potato

food of the month: pizza

tuneof the month: Dragonball z bodouki tenkichi 3's intro

Car of the month: the origonal mini

Game of the month: Star wars Battlefront 2

PSN still out... and other stuff

well i kinda stoped caring, Dont get me wrong i still want it but iv realy got in to gran turismo 5

well its really annoying when you do 60 laps and get what 50k and a crap car...so addictive i will have an f1

dut how long can guitar hero andgran turismo last :(

im still stuck on agarest and eternal sonata ( im not a fan of grinding, i got sick of that whene i had pokemon)

but ivesmeltsome good news about psn, aparantly there updaiting smoe fetures of chat and othere stuff(no hopes though, as this is not acompletly reliable sorce)

and to add converse to this: whats your zombie plan?

PSN and other stuff

With the psn down ive had nothing to do but play on single player mode

but ive hit a snag,

agarest: im vsin a bos in the 3rd gen who just recovers half of what i hit on his turn and i have to heal or im doomed, wich enevetibuly get me killed

eternal sonata: im vrsin ruined body and count walts, ruined body takes alot of but is pe easy to block butwaltz is another thing fast p**(k and it hurts.my team is veriable, chopin lvl 44falsetto lvl 47 ivefor got names (duno how but i dont have a comp at home only a ps3 and i cant tipe in this box for some reason so cant check) red little agogo gardian lvl 46 and the archer lvl 46 the big thing get in the way of the archers aim (witch is anoying cos i whant head shots in a short space of time)

cod waw: zombies get boring on your own ,fast, im getin to round 19 without trying on der rise

fifa 10: just boring got it cos its in the bargin bin $1

monopoly: so bored got 45% of trophes

ive also got battlefiald bc2 again so eny one what to add me ill play (when psn is back up)


ha obama get somthing to nock the royal wedding of front page obama is dead somthing i can party about(amising what america can acomplish when psn is off, LOL)


my good friend got star wars empire at war/and foc working on my ssslllooowww laptop so the graphic are not there but the gameplay is.

my 3 fav game, at last 4 years of keeping that disk payed off:D

i put a mod on to raise the pop cap for skermish battles, my freand is nagging me to put bigger ones on e.g. clones and droids

but ant the mean time ill stick with popcap mod

stuck between a rock and a hard place.

well i ever need a new collage corce (the one im on is crap cant stand it) or a job

the problem,if i dont get eather ill get kicked out of the house cos ill cost to mutch, the sub problem

1 there isnt corce i like at all

and 2 as every one knows jobs are hard to come by

the only thing i can think of is pic a corce at"slight" random

but beond that im stumped

why bother

hell no one looks at these im 2 inactive just an update

1 i have a psp, got duodecim


need psp

i must get a psp fordissidia 012 (and then 4 sake of it ill get tenkieci tag team