I've just realised.. When they announced GTAV being in Los Santos I was gutted.. Because I reaaally wanted it in somewhere out of Northern America, at the time I suggested Rio De Janeiro - just for a fresh new scene. However, I've now realised that Max Payne 3 could just answer all of my dreams instead. I loved the old games, so bringing Max back but in Brazil? Brilliant. Seriously looking forward to this game now, a good, gritty, psychological thriller revived for the modern day. Bring it on :D
The guys at Bethesda are actual geniuses. If this doesn't get Game of the Year I'll eat my own head. Sounds like they've got the music spot-on too. It's the type of music that draws you in like on Elder Scrolls IV, you sit down at 7pm and the next thing you know it's 2 in the morning! Love it. How any game will beat this is beyond me. But then again thinking how far games have come along in the past 15 years is almost scary :/
For Sony to brush aside the PSN attack Kaz will need to bring the hackers onstage in cuffs then announce "All yours!" Then walk off smoking a cigar and wearing aviators.. That would be damn epic :D
At the end of the day it all depends on content. November this year is looking to be one hell of a month in terms of releases, and I'll seriously have to think about what games to get. The others I probably will buy second hand, that's not because I'm a cheapskate, but it's because I can't always afford to buy brand new games. Tesco had a good offer on at the weekend. LA Noire for 25UKP if you buy any other Top 20 Chart game. I therefore chose LA Noire and Assassins Creed Brotherhood and paid just 45UKP - Bargain! I understand companies fencing off certain features to second hand gamers, however at the same time they'll do themselves a lot of harm. If someone can't afford brand new, and they don't get the full package second hand they won't buy it. Any add on packs released therafter will essentially be wasted money for the company, because straight away there will be less potential buyers. Game companies have got to be careful I think.. They could do themselves more harm than good.
Right seriously gamespot. Enough of the crap. I'm fairly sure most Playstation users haven't been that affected by this, and I'm more than happy with the games on offer - it's a nice sentiment, all I wanted was the PSN back on after all. This website has so much hate towards Sony, don't know why I continue to come on here :/
The dude writing these is just after another turf war.. The pentagon got hacked, and now Sony. And yet it's amazing how different the two cases have been viewed though. Sony may have been in line for some flack, but end the end of the day it's the hackers doing the wrong. I'll support my chosen company regardless thanks. Yet again Gamespot
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