For crying out loud comments sections are getting ridiculous... What's the average age of people on here?!
Let's face it, after the RROD's and YLOD's of this generation this is only good news for gamers - it shows they're actually developing the thing properly.
However... That said this 'news' doesn't really mean anything at all. It's essentially referring to the thing being on standby. As per normal electrical equipment. Our microwave has been plugged in continually for at least 15 years.
The fan noise was outrageous on the original 360 so the article is good for that sense. Everything else though... Meh. I think MS are just trying to keep in the headlines with tid-bits of 'good news'.
Do people seriously get that bothered about playing with people of different abilties? Whether I'm killing noobs or getting my ass served I honestly couldn't care less. It's fun.
Fair play if you want it though, guess you can't blame them for trying to innovate.
This "Snap" feature needs to stop being so hyped though. If my smart phone can do it i'd kind of expected the next-gen consoles to do the same :P
Waiting 2 minutes to start a match really isn't the end of the world either. Are folks seriously so damn impatient?!
I thought just the other month this website reported that Sony was 'forcing' developers to back the vita through mandatory remote play? The article annoyed me slightly as to be honest I thought that was a good thing, Gamespot put a negative spin on it though.
If the Vita had two shoulder buttons it would all be fine, sadly the screen needs to be clicked so remote play on some games would be weird as hell..
I'm still just after a bundle for PS4/Vita in all honesty, quite fancy Infamous: Second Son whilst the lady watches the Kardashians!
This is excellent news. Doesn't affect me directly as I'll be buying a PlayStation 4 but it's still damn decent to see Indie developer's having another place to launch their games.
The indie's are the future of gaming, and with the way the industry is headed we need to encourage creativity as much as possible.
Microsoft may have only reversed it's policies for kudos points, but it's brilliant news for gamers regardless - across all platforms.
warhawk-geeby's comments