The cows have brought about the "standards" argument, so it just needs to be said.
Well, let me begin with MGS4. It was rated as a 10 last year meaning it had last years standards. It's no longer a 10 by today's standards.
Also, Killzone 2 scored a 9.0 on the dot so as every day that goes by the score drops lower than a 9.0.
Oh, and for more reference anyone who still owns an NES, Genesis, PS1, PS2, N64, Gamecube, Xbox, or anything in between just throw those out. All the games on those systems are like 2.0 or lower by todays standards. Not even worth playing because they're such garbage. If you're still playing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time I just want you to know that you have horrible taste in games.
Counter Strike is the worst online FPS ever followed by Halo.
To my standards, there were so many more better games last gen, and Kingdom Hearts and FF10 will always be my most top rated games.
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