*Captain Kisuke looks at Love*Uh. The theme of this arc is the pass. If I'm captain of the 12th Squad, who was captain of the 7th Squad? You was Love. Stand with Ukitake until everyone line up.sfkm2LoveGot that.*goes beside Ukitake*
*Cross thinking*What's Kisuke thinking?*Captain Kisuke waiting for the Lts and seat officers to line up in horizontal line*sfkm2Iba*starts the line*LoveI don't have to do I?
[QUOTE="SasukeXXChidori"]hey everyone im back. who made the new banner?-Katsuri-I have no idea but its AWESOME!!I think the old man did it.
[QUOTE="missanimefan"][QUOTE="SoraX64"]Wow this place works much faster than the Toonami Union...SoraX64Thats why I live here lolsfkm2lol *watches amusedly**Gets popcorn* *steals popcorn*
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