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Psychotron is track 9 off of Megadeth's 1992 album "Countdown to Extinction". A portion of the chorus lyrics are "Part bionic, part organic, not a cyborg".

What this means for all of you out there in is that I will soon be posting a Bionic Commando Rearmed review. This can be either good news for you or bad. Depending on if and what you've thought of my previous two reviews. Honestly, my 1st review [Bioshock] wasn't much of one. That's okay, though. It's all a learning experience.

So, if you care, there you go. If you don't, get the f*** outta here. Why're you reading this?!

And yes, I'm still continuing my Metal/Rock song titles as blahg topics. I couldn't care less if you like it. I think it's fairly original.

The Frayed Ends of Sanity

The Frayed Ends of Sanity is track 7 off of Metallica's "...And Justice for All".

This one really will be quite short. I know in the last one I said that too and it turned out to be a lie. It's the truth, da**it! I swear to god.

I just wanna share with you all the cover of Game Informer's September '08 issue. This is BY FAR the best cover they've ever done. It's also the most badass. So here it is in all it's glory.

Game Informer Sept. '08 Cover

If you can't put 2 and 2 together, The Frayed Ends of Sanity pertains to the Joker. Now, this is actually the 2nd of 2 possible covers you may receive in the mail. The other has an artist's rendition of Batman for this new game. That one's pretty cool, but this one definitely takes the cake. And that is no lie, sir.

13 Fingers........But Really Just a Thumb

13 Fingers is track nine off of Acid Bath's 2nd album Paegan Terrorism Tactics.

I just found this video courtesy through a link on

This is simply amazing. I guess the video's been around but it's certainly new to me. Apparently it's also an ad for Metal Gear AC!D Mobile. I dunno. Either way, it's great and should be viewed by all Metal Gear Solid fans. It should be viewed by anybody that has an appreciation for MGS4, for that matter.


Apparently you can't have embedded videos on Gamespot blahgs. So here's a link to aforementioned video. I think you'll get a kick out of it. I certainly did.

Metal Gear Solid 4

Lies, I Don't Know What They Say But...

This is track 12 off the album Down II: A Bustle In Your Hedgerow by the band Down. My 2nd favorite band. They're all that is awesome.

This will probably be pretty brief as there isn't multiple topics I'll be covering today. Just the one. But it angered and frustrated me.

So, as I'm sure most of you know, Bionic Commando Rearmed comes out this Thursday on PSN. I've been anxiously awaiting this game since it was supposed to come out at the end of June. This game, if you don't know, is a COMPLETE remake of the NES version. It has a next-gen [I guess it really makes it current-gen] graphical facelift and they've tweaked a few things. But they've kept the root gameplay exactly the same as it was before. No jumping, shoot your arm to swing, to pull yourself up, to bring things to you, etc. This game looks orgasmically fantastic. I can't wait.

Now, onto my frustration. It has nothing to do with BCR, don't worry. The past couple weeks I've been in the mood to try out the original Bionic Command [NES]. I've seen quite a bit of the gameplay and I think I've played it once, for about 5 minutes, years ago. So I was anxious to get back into the swing [bad pun :P].

Well, my girlfriend's cousing was in our apartment last night and he was looking for some games to play and he brought up Capcom Collection Volume 1. I thought about it briefly and looked at the back of the case. And to my elation, Bionic Commando was on there. Instant rush of excitement as I didn't think I'd get the chance to play this ****c for quite awhile. I pop the PS2 disc in and scroll through the menu. I highlight Bionic Commando. Press start to play.

I was expecting to see the green jumpsuit and wild red hair. I was expecting to see some vertical buildings and lightposts. An "industrial site" if you will. What I got was some blue haired freak in the forest. This obviously was not a port of the NES version. I then got kinda sad. I must've been playing the arcade version or something. It doesn't really make sense, though. The NES version of Gun.Smoke was on there. A game that I LOVED as a young child, by the way. So why didn't they include the NES version of BC instead of some sh***y possibly arcade version?

I will say that I found it quite odd that Bionic Commando wasn't on the cover of this compilation. Seeing as how it's one of their "bigger" games and it's fondly remembered in the hearts of many a man . It's probably not on there 'cuz it's the sh** non-NES version.

So, yeah. Capcom lied to me. Thanks, Capcom.

Mad "Beta" Max

I don't know if most of you have heard about the upcoming revamped Gamespot. Well, there's one coming. To see what it looks/feels like simply remove the "www" from the address bar and replace it with "beta".

It looks like this:

I've even linked it for you. How nice. My girlfriend is the one accredited with showing me this. I had no idea 'til last night. I really like the new layout as the "current" one was starting to get a little stale, in my opinion. Apparently the beta form is supposed to be the norm around mid-August.

So you may ask yourself, "Are they Mad like the Hatter?". No, they are simply Beta Maxing.

Feel Good Hit of the Summer

This is the 1st track off Queens of the Stone Age's Rated R. Once again, check it out.

My Uncharted review is up. I didn't think I'd finish the review tonight. I didn't even think I'd start it tonight. So, there you have it. Read it if you feel like it. If not, no biggy [biggie?].

Bite the Bullet

This one is the 2nd track off Machine Head's Through the Ashes of Empires. Check 'em out.

Basically what this [probably short] blahg is about is the Uncharted Trophy patch. All the UK-ians are gloating 'cuz they have the patch right now. That's cool. They are constantly getting shafted with delays and the like. I'm glad they have this first. Especially since their currency is worth more than ours [the US]. :P

A lot of people on the forums are up in arms about this. Most of 'em aren't serious, though. Everyone's just anxious to dive back into the world of Uncharted with the added benefit of Trophies. I know I'm certainly in that group. Reportedly, the UK, Australia, & Mexico have them. So what does this mean for us Americans? We simply have to bite the bullet. And wait.


It is now 5 o'clock and the update's been out in the US for about 4 1/2 - 5 hours now. Some people have had problems with it messing up their ability to play Uncharted. I've had no such problems. I feel blessed and pray for continued success with my PS3's ability to handle the latest firmware updates & game patches.

The Struggle Within

It's a Metallica song. Off their "Black Album". Since the comment by ShamrockRovers in my blahg Faith No More I've decided to have the topic of my blahgs be related to music that I like. Whether it's a band name, song name, lyric from a song, or what have you. It's what I've decided to do to spice things up a bit [and sometimes wrack my brain for something logical]. So, thank you ShamrockRovers for triggering a synapse in my brain to fire just right that it gave me the idea.

Anyway, here's what this blahg is really about. For quite awhile now I've been wondering about the release dates of my most anticipated upcoming releases. Sure, I could always come onto this site [or another] and look them up that way. Or.........I could compile my Tracked Games list into Microsoft Word and organize them by release. So that's EXACTLY what I did. I first [of course] looked all the release dates up. Then started organizing them into categories on Word.

These are the categories: 2008 [actual release dates or at least month & year], Q3 08, Q4 08, TBA 08, 2009, Q1 09, Q2 09, TBA 09

This is just in case any of you want to follow suit. That way you can take a compiled look and plan accordingly. Once all this was finished [Approx. 20-30 mins. later] I took a good look at the 2 pages I had just typed up. I then realized, more so than ever, that this holiday season is so f***ed. There's so many great looking titles coming out shortly that I don't know what to do with myself. Of course I want to own all of them on launch, but that's just not realistic. So, the problem is, which do I want to own at launch and which do I want to sacrifice for a later date.

I don't mind waiting for a pushed release but having to wait on account of cash flow just sucks. Now, I normally preorder. That way I can pay off my games WAY in advance. The past few months have been particularly skimpy on money. I'm in a bind. Guess I'll just have to roll with the punches. Sort 'em as I see fit.

Therein lies my "Struggle Within".

Definitely NOT Down With the Sickness

Bwah! I am getting sick. I can feel it. Well, truth be told, I already am sick. I just started feeling it early this morning when I would 1/2 wake up during the night. So that has me pretty excited. I've received this ill feeling from my girlfriend. Who was sick since Sunday. My throat feels slightly rough. Maybe I should stop deepthroating, eh? Kidding. Kidding.........

Speaking of my girlfriend, she's been playing A LOT of Harvest Moon: Magical Melody lately. Which is fine. Before this week long stint [so far] she hadn't played a video game in quite some time. It makes me feel bad 'cuz she has a Wii [which is EXTREMELY lacking in the good games department]. So overall I'm glad that she's at least using the thing. My only problem with her playing it is that sometimes she'll play it for about 2-4 hours. 2 hours is the norm average [while the 4 hour marker was really only one day]. After about 1 hour I tend to get a little antsy.

I guess there's two problems with her playing it 2+ hours. The 2nd being, we have a 42" Plasma. I know there are more and more games that are "Plasma TV friendly" but this game is definitely not one of them. This game was made before Plasmas/HD TVs were in pretty much every household. So it's HUD is extremely prevalant. To the point which there is always slight burn in after she gets done playing. It doesn't last 'cuz we've used our TV more than the recommended 100 hours to prevent burn in. So all it really takes is a couple minutes of TV or PS3 gaming to rid of the problem.

Still, it's enough that it warrants my concern every time she plays it. But really I am glad that she's playing video games again. It makes me happy to see her enjoying her precious Nintendo products. Even though Sony will eventually own all.:D

So I'm sick and my girlfriend is playing Harvest Moon. Just biding my time for Fall's AWESOME releases. Here's to the future.

At the Movies

So I just saw The Dark Knight a couple hours ago. It was INCREDIBLE. Hopefully I'll have a review up shortly. I just don't know if I can even do the movie justice. If you read this and you want me to give you my thoughts then leave a comment. If no one leaves a comment maybe I'll put one up for the hell of it. We'll see.
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