watson_twenty5's forum posts
Work with the Guitar Hero World Tour setup? The GH pedal doesn't have quite enough spring for my liking.
I tried a Rock Band pedal but it didn't work. It was then that I realized that maybe it didn't work 'cuz it was the 360's Rock Band pedal. I didn't really think it'd matter 'cuz the input jack is the same.
Anyone know for sure?
I have 13 PS3 games and have beaten 5 of them.
Beaten: Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, GTAIV, MGS4, & Uncharted   -- The Darkness [Traded in but will purchase again soon]
Unbeaten: Bourne Conspiracy, Dead Space, Fallout 3, Far Cry 2, Hot Shots Golf:OOB, Lego Batman, LBP, & Orange Box [Have beaten HL2 & Portal from this].
Right now there's just too many games. I also have the problem of starting a new file as soon as I get the game in my possession and then bouncing around from game to game. This delays completion by a lot.Â
Can anyone help me with this? I tried to restore the data onto a new hard drive and the system registers that an external is hooked up. It finds the back up data that I want to use and then restarts to install the data. Once it does that it suddenly can't find the back up data and tells me there isn't any. The system then restarts with default settings and it doesn't register that my external is plugged into it at all. I unplug and replug it in and still nothing. I plug in my thumb drive and it shows up. I plug my external into my PC and everything's there that should be. Including the back up data.
I don't know what's going on. If anyone has advice/experience with this, well.....any help would be appreciated.
I've had it pre-ordered for months. I knew that it would be awesome, and the demo proved me right.
Fresh, fun, exciting...Mirror's Edge is now my most anticipated game for the rest of the year, beating out the likes of Prince of Persia, Resistance 2, Gears 2, and everything else.
Hmm......it's quite good. It impressed me quite a bit. But.........it doesn't surpass the upcoming Prince of Persia in my book. Just my opinion.
I've had it reserved for some time now too, though. Definitely a must buy.
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