you definitely need to play the previous games. buy metal gear solid from the playstation store. play through it. then you can either play 2 or 3... doesn't matter which order. i like them about the same. and then do 4. oh my... if i hadn't have played the other games this game would be great. but you just get so much more involved if you've played the other ones... the dream sequence (heliport)... walking through the hallway where ninja had a kill frenzy... seeing shadow moses with good graphics... seeing otacon's reaction when he finds out that vamp is involved... big mama crashing and being skewered... there are so many references to the previous games. god i love mgs.
i'm sure most of you know, but you can get this for free... i just did it today.
i downloaded the demo and stopped playing after a couple of minutes. the lame phrases, dumb masks, and awkward controls were enough for me to not want this game...
i just got my ps3... the only greatest hits i know is mgs4. any other greatest hits worth getting? and i don't think the exclusives (like lbp and infamous) will be greatest hits any time soon.
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