Ni No Kuni: wrath of the white witch, is a excellent jrpg which is available very cheap on the ps store atm, and you're missing out alot if you don't pick it up. the game took me about 50 hours to complete the main story and there is still loads to do after which is astounding since i probably payed about $12 for this. the game consists of capturing and training pokemon type character used to battle in a unique real time system along with your character, if you havn't check out the gamespot review.
the game takes a while to get going but is so worth it after you get through the opening story sequences which if you are a fan of anime is probably not as slow as it was for me, as the cutscenes are done by studio ghibli known for spirited away. all the visuals in this game are amazing as well and animated flawlessley.
Shadows of the Damned is another cheap game i picked up recently and is a decent third person action game with a creepy, demon hell theme but is filled with crude but ususally light hearted jokes that i couldnt help giggling at all the way through, its not a horror game despite being set in lthe underworld and i think holds up prettty well after a few years since it was released. and worth taking a look.
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