Assassins creed, its a beautiful looking game but after the 1st 2 or 3 hours it got real repetitive so i stopped playing, i also got bioshock at the same time and i was starting to get into it but at times i feel all freaked out and it does become scary specially when your all by yourself in the dark, but i do want to get back to it i just started the 3rd lvl. i just recently finished GTA4 which i picked up when it came out and didnt finish till yesterday now im just trying to get the rest of the trophies. im probably going to get uncharted, LBP and dead space this week but i dont know yet as for dead space i really liked the demo and i thought it was hugely underrated but i dont want to be creeped out like with bioshock.
so ive been searching through cnet and some other online retailers and im trying to decide between the sony bravia theatre DAV-HDX500 and the sony Bravia theatre DAV-HDX576WF they look like nice options but im not a 100% sure if i can hook it up to my ps3 since thats mainly what i want to use it for, my games and blu rays. just wondering what you guys think, if those models are any good? and thanks for the posts theyve been helping.
thanks for the posts guys, i guess i have some researching to do to find something thats going to match my criteria. i just want to feel immersed in the game/movies.
Hey ive been considering buying a surround sound system to hook up to my t.v. to connect with my ps3. i dont want to spend more than $500 so i know im not asking for the worlds greatest surround system but i want something decent to make my games sound awesome as well as my blu ray movies. something along the lines of 5.1 would be fine becuase my living room is kind of small and plus not that many options to place the speakers. my current tv is a sony 46 kdl xbr2 with a 60gb launch ps3. so what im asking is for anyone out there that has a surround sound system hooked up to their ps3 or know someone who does which model surround system would you recommend that would offer the most bang for my buck.
i havent played uncharted but i have to say W@W is a beeyatch on vet im currently on heart of reich and the one that took me forever was vendetta and breaking point it was just ridiculous there were so many enemies that as soon as i poked my head out to see where the enemy was i would get shot once and be at the point where im flashing red plus so many grenades its as if they know where your hiding and they can throw the grenade into your pocket from 400 ft away its insane. i just need to complete heart of reich and downfall on vet and i will get the hardened war hero trophy then i will only need the blue ribbon trophy which is a 4 player competetive co op mission. i just cant seem to find ppl to complete this mission if anyone wants to do it too just send me a psn invite ill be on today.
oh man there is a ton of games to choose from 08 was so good im just going to list a bunch of games which i think were pretty good since i dont know what genre of games your into. littlebigplanet, resistance 2, GTAIV, prince of persia, Bioshock, valkyria chronicles, motorstorm pacific rift, fallout 3, dead space. theres probably more but this is just some of the few that appealed to me. hope that help :)
i have a 60gb ps3 which i bought in feburary of 07 and i could not be happier it has 4 usb slots which is useful for charging multiple items/devices it has backwards compatability which is awesome becuase i have a ton of ps2 games and some ps1. and i have had no problems whatsoever with my ps3 except that i was running out of space with game installs,demos, music, movies and pics so i upgraded to a 320gb and its all good. sure it was a bit expensive at launch but im ok with it, it wasnt a devastating blow to my wallet.
i got mine for 20 bucks not greatest hits i just hate the way that case looks all red and what not but im not sure how much 20 bucks is in euros. i think the games looks amazing but yea after the first hour of gameplay it does start to become a bit repetitive, theres nothing to unlock alls you get is to collect some crappy flags scattered throught the land which there are a ton of and they dont unlock anything, but for 20 bucks its ok its just 1 more for my collection.
i recommend using pliers it will save you a major headache because i have the 60gb ps3 from launch all 4 screws got stripped, they were on there super tight and they were made of playdoh so they were super easy to strip. so i got a pair of pliers and they came out easy so i upgraded to a western digital 320gb. WD 3200bevt. hope that helps.
yeai played it a while back and if i recall you just have to land 4 hits on a downed opponent not consecutively it could be spread out through out the match, and if that doesnt work im sorry that i didnt help with your problem.
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