Ah shaddap you freaking sheep. Mass Effect 3 was a phenomenal game loved by everyone, critics and players alike! The ONLY PROBLEM people had with it was the ending, and that was just a bunch of babies being...well, babies.
Other than the ending (a tiny small portion of the game) the entire experience was awesome, and everyone loved it.
I swear, the world is doomed because it's going to be run by unthinking followers, lemmings like you.
@strayfies Funny, the metacritic user reviews overwhelmingly disagree with you. Guess the part where you're actually required to think to solve quests was just too taxing, yes?
S'ok...there are other games out there with quests that will put cute glowy exclamantion marks over eveyone and everything so that you can get it all over with as soon as possible.
@IgotEpixx I wasn't going to play this. I'd barely heard of it, so I figured it couldn't be very good. Now I don't even know if I'm going to bother playing Guild Wars 2 lol!!
@Vodoo Another example of massive stupidity. "He stepped down the day before launch so that his record wouldn't be affected by what he saw as a failure". Stupid, stupid, stupid. The guy was there for the entire development time of The Secret World, but JUST BECAUSE HE LEFT BEFORE LAUNCH, you think he'll be able to claim "Who me? I wasn't even there when it went live, don't blame ME for anything that has to do with this game that was in development under my care for 5 years!"
Oh gimme a break. The truth is, all you 'tards want every single MMO to go "free to play" because you don't want to pay for it. You're not protesting, you're just cheap freeloaders.
@An_Ethiopian I *did* buy Guild Wars 2, and have played in all the BWEs and both stress tests. Frankly, this game's better. For all the hype, Guild Wars 2 is just another game with Asura instead of gnomes, Charr instead of orcs...the monsters are all variations on a theme, the events are just WAR's public quests or RIFT's rifts all over again.
Watering corn and feeding cows? This is what makes Guild Wars 2 special and different? Be honest; Guild Wars 2 has better combat, but The Secret World has better questing and a MUCH better setting and ambiance.
Look at all this drivel in the comments. Seriously...people are making comments, all kinds of comments, without any thought whatsoever. The so-called "fanboys" aren't the problem anymore, it's YOU lot...you band-wagonning, herd-following, meme-spouting drones. Do you people even like to play games anymore?
This isn't about brand loyalty; brand loyalty is the dumbest thing ever conceived of by mankind.
Let's see now, Bioware, Blizzard, Funcom, Electronic Arts, Bethesda, Id, Atari, Capcom, CCP, Cryptic...that's just a drop in the bucket, and according to you guys, ALL of those companies suck, blow, are ignoring, disrespecting, or scamming you, lied to you, should be hit with a class-action lawsuit, have slapped you in the face, and ruined their franchises. What the hell is wrong with you people??? Why do you go from zero to "WTF FAIL FAIL FAIL!!" on the complain-o-meter in less than 3.2 seconds?
This article is a perfect example. TSW has received good reviews so far, and all I read about it from players is "Ya know, this game..it's pretty damned awesome, I wasn't expecting this!"
But no..article about stock prices = the company sucks, the game sucks, "FAILcom", blahblahblah....
weewalio's comments