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wegie_man Blog

A Personal Welcome from Me


These Things are so cool you make an account and person and save them and you can have them! This one is the closest I could get to myself, I don't sing but I enjoy preforming stand up.


Also did you guys see my new blog header. Cool eh? Made on the handy dandy photoshop. So give me your comments on both of these things!

Cya For Now,



The View From Here


You Know I love Wikipedia and everything but when the fetured article is Michael Woodruff and they show a pic of his kidney transplant smack dab in the middle of my browser it is a little unapeeling. No picture of Michael  just his crotch area, lovely isn't it. Now I love looking at Michael's crotch and everything but think of the children. (Notice Sarcasm)



I would love to be Snoopy in this scene because it is so beautiful you know just to look out at the water. Or you don't know if you love in like New York City, wait a minute never mind. Anywho Lovely view to think about inventions well clearly my friend's daughter didn't use this. She had this invention thing where she had to make an invention her idea - The Bannana Peeler. Guess their slogan:

for people with arthritis, or for people who can't open bananas.

Notice the spelling and slogan itself. I found at that there is really no such thing as a bannana peeler, I still laughed a lot though.


My View Today - Rosie is Leaving

Hey I think I may be the only one morning the loss of Rosie off the View. Personally I love Rosie but I think I may be the only one who thinks this which makes me unique, WOO HOO! Ha Ha, take that all the highschool people who said I would never be unique. I can go look these people up and tell them my view and then tell them I'm unique.

Rosie is leaving in june and I like her so let's look at some of her best moments of the year (so far) in no particular order.

1. Kelly Rippa vs. Rosie

She actually thought that putting a hand over the mouth was homophobic, bad call Rosie, I don't think saying I don't know where that hands been is homophobic at all. Rosie really screwed that up.

2. China vs. Rosie

Ching Chong Rosie Ching Chong Chong made fun Ching of Chinese people Ching Chong Ching Ching Chong when she used Ching Chong Ching Ching Ching Chong "Ching and Chong" Ching as deragatory words Ching Chong Chong to describe chineese people, bad call Rose.

3. Trump vs. Rosie

AWESOME CALL RO! You put that hair looping idiot in his place when you did this, I absolutely loved it!

Reality Roundup and I'm NOMINATED!


I just stopped over at Kweenie's Blog and noticed that I was nominated for Kindest Heart. I feel all bubbly inside, I never thought I would be nominated, I would like to thank the people for this nomination. I still don't know who nominated me, if your out there tell me so I can thank you!


Last week, Eric and Danielle (Erielle) were spared from elmination in a nothing Shocking (gimme a break) non elmination leg. These people shouldn't even be on the race, they were not a former team! Anywho Charla and Mirna are still in it although I do not like them, I have to say they have their funny moments.


So Much to say about Survivor Fiji, first of WOW! Dreamz is one of the best players this season. Edgardo, Alex, and Mookie were so shocked I just loved that tribal council.


HA! Joel (Or however it's spelled) is gone! That's all I had to say.

Thanks for Holding in there

Carrot Top

Thank you for Nominating ME!


I'll Be shocked if I win


I Wonder What My Speech would be Like


Yet Again Another Story - Trunk


Long ago there lived a goddess named Chicka. Chicka was a normal human being; however she could turn into a chicken. Chicka also disliked small nosed things. She wondered why they had a tiny nose. Bigger noses are much better thought Chicka. Chicka lived in Africa where she saw elephants everyday. At this time elephants had very small noses. Chicka watched an elephant with a nose smaller than a mouse's.

The elephant with the small nose was called Elphie. Elphie was a big elephant but people didn't like the fact that he had a small nose. Even his mother wished that he could be like all the other elephants with a slightly bigger nose. Chicka wanted to do something about his nose. Chicka decided she would try two things to get his nose bigger. The first idea was to get him to the Growing River. A magical river that could make things grow. The second idea was to pull his nose out.

A couple of days later Chicka told the elephant to go to Growing River. Chicka said your mother wanted you to go there. Elphie wondered why his mother wanted him to go to the Growing River. He listened to Chicka and went to Growing River.  

When Elphie got to Growing River he found a note from his mom. It was an old piece of crunched up paper. Elphie read the letter:

Dear Elphie I would like you to stick your trunk into Growing River it would help me out a lot. I hope you get this message

Your Mom

Elphie stuck his trunk in Growing River but nothing happened. Chicka watched in astonishment. She wondered why his trunk didn't grow. Then she remembered plan two.

The next day Elphie took a stroll down to the watering hole. He stuck his head in and started to drink the water. Chicka was watching from a tree. When Elphie stopped drinking, Chicka flew straight down to Elphie's nose. She stuck her talons in Elphie's trunk. She started to pull. Elphie went ballistic. Chicka pulled and pulled. Finally Elphie's nose stretched out longer and longer. Suddenly something magical happened. All of the elephant's noses grew to a long size just like Elphie's. Chicka was so happy that the shock killed her. That's how the elephants got their trunks.  

    The End

Y'all know the back story to all of these this one was dated grade 5. With a comment on how my teacher thought it was funny.

The Happy Youtube Videos

These are some of the videos that I've been watching lately


Burke and Christina Dancing


Roseanne - Bingo

Also this is not any blog this is my 50th blog so my blogging milestones:


My 1st Blog:

Reba is WB's #1 Show

All I can say is that it is ironic, that Reba is the WB's best rated show on its final weekend. They cancel Reba and it's there # 1 show. Maybe this will get them motivated to bring back the show for AT LEAST an 7th season!


My 10th Blog:

My top 10 lead characters

10.) ALF - We all loved Alf who what wouldn't you love about him he was an alien from Malmac who wanted to eat the family cat. He was really funny and was one of the best characters ever.


9.) PATRICK STAR - The Lovable starfish from spongebob. You gotta love his stupidity and his helpfulness to all his freinds.

8.) LYNETTE SCAVO - Did you see her in Bang? She was AWESOME! Now she really should get another emmy she is funny in her own way and brings a lot to Desperate Housewives.


The next 3 coming tommorrow


My 25th Blog:

Last Night

Wasn't that a fun night of viewing yesterday? I loved DH last night! I just thought it was great with Alma and Bree. I also loved Lynette's fake out with her "Broken" arm. After this episode I'm pretty sure Kayla is a complete B.

My Favourite Quote of The Night: (DH)

To Alma

Bree: You Raped My Husband!

Punches Alma

I just thougt the punch was priceless.

Also, The Road to the Super Bowl. I was so dissapointed that New Orleans lost, I was totally rooting for them. Also I was pretty sure New England would win I was wrong.

My Super Bowl Prediction: Chicago,

I just have this feeling that the Bears will finally win the Bowl Again.



The Picture Blog Story




Wanna know what it says? (highlight to read)

I Could not go on my computer because construction workers broke the internet cable.

I know that blog was cheesy but hey.


The Easter Blog


Well It's that time again... Easter! The holiday were you get chocolate and candy without having to go door to door. The holiday in which its character dosen't come down your chimmney. The holiday where you can eat a big feast without having to say "Wow i'm thankful for that big turkey on this Thanksgiving."

Easter is just awesome, full of family members you haven't seen in decades, food and fun. I can't wait to spend tommorrow with my family! I wanna know what you guys are doing for Easter? Y'all seeing your family?

TV will also be good tommorrow as we welcome the return of Desperate Housewives that has been on a horribly long hiatus. Also TAR: All Stars is on tommorrow and that's always exciting.


My friend seems to be annoyed at Bindi Irwin for her constant use of the phrase "I want to be like my father, I want him to be proud of me." Also we have her so called "artheritis hand." I don't agree with that but I do wonder why she is in the spotlight for so long. She really isn't doing anything to major like her father did.


I just recently saw Little Miss Sunshine (yeah I know I'm outta the loop) and it was amazing. It was really, really good, I loved it so much. I thought Alan Arkin did his part well, but there is no way Abigail Breslin deserves the oscar nomination.


I was just watching Ellen at the oscars again and she was an excellent host, she was warm and funny. One of the best in years. I don't know I just thought I should put that out there.


Friday's 10 Songs I'm Listening To / Reliving

#10 - I'm a Survivor - Reba

#9 - Hung Up - Madonna 


# 8 - I'm Coming Out - Diana Ross


# 7 - Sexy Back - Justin Timberlake


# 6 - Who Let The Dogs Out - The Baha Men


#5 - You Shook Me All Night Long - ACDC


#4 - I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor


#3 - Respect - Aretha Franklin


#2 - Life is a Highway - Rascal Flatts


#1 - How to Save a Life - The Fray

There you have it the songs that I have been listening to this week, I just thought that hey why not? Besides, I was bored and this was my only blog idea.

35 Things About Me, Uncut, Raw, The Tell All Blog!


1. What time is it? Time to be a smartalec, it is about 5:47 PM Eastern time as i type this message, sorry 5:48 PM Eastern
2. Name: wegie_man, but you call call me Wegie, or Curious Geogre I've had that name for a while.
3. What are you most afraid of? Crime, well not just crime I fear getting shot or robbed or something scary like that, I would just freeze up.
4. What do you drive? The Bus
5. Have you ever seen a ghost? I'll Save that for Slyvia Browne on Montel
6. Where were you born? Canada like Joe from Ellen

7. Ever been to Alaska ? No, but I'm sure Alaska would be just the best place in the world to visit.
8. Ever been toilet papering rolling in decorating trees? No
9. Croutons or Bacon bits ? Croutons all the way I mean they are crunchy and pieces of bread at the same time!
10. Favorite day of the week: Thursday, Greys and Survivor are both on it's like my "double day"
11. Favorite restaurant: McDonalds, Their chicken nuggets are just so fun to gulp down
12. Favorite Flower: Daisy are nice
13. Favorite sport to watch: Al Roker giving the weather, I mean Hockey
14. Favorite Drink: Orange Juice
15. Favorite Ice cream: Vanilla or Superkid
16. Disney or Warner Brothers: Disney
17. Favorite fast food restaurant: McDonalds, I think we have already gone through this
18. What color is your bedroom carpet? Brown, how fun eh
19. How many times you failed your driver's test? Zero
20. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail from? My good friend, the Al Roker fan club
21. Last person you spoke to on the phone? not quite sure, the pizza delivery man?
22. Bedtime: 11:00 PM
23. Who will copy this the quickest? Me, Myself and I
24. Who is the person least likely to copy? Someone who dosen't track my blog
25. Who is the person(s) that you are most curious to see their responses? Noah mostly and of course Emilia but I already saw hers in Sparkle's blog.
26. Favorite TV show:
Roseanne, Reba, Ellen and Grey's Anatomy
27. Ford or Chevy? Ya, right
28. What are you listening to right now? Hung Up - Madonna
29. What are your favorite colors? Green and Teal
30. How many tattoos do you have? None
31. Do you have any pets? My dog, Muffins and Al Roker
32. There is no 32 what happened to it. Eaten by the cookie monster!

33. Favorite snack/comfort foods?
34. Last vacation destination: The indoor water park

35. Oprah or Ellen? Ellen! ALL THE WAY SHE IS SO AWESOME!