@suicidesn0wman: We're actually doing a lot of back-end work right now (aside from prepping for E3) that is focused on performance and reliability. These are two of my priorities for 2016. I'll try to give you guys a heads-up as we roll things out, but often they are relatively minor things that may not make improvements that are obvious when just looking at how the site loads (without a tool to measure precisely.) The "twig extension" work mentioned earlier fell in this category.
We're a bit short-handed right now, so I'm not ready to promise release notes (we release almost every day!), but again I will try to message you guys when larger things are coming or have just released. I would love to do some sort of a beta program for larger features, but I don't have the resources here to manage it unfortunately. We are, however, hiring, so after that we'll take a look at that again.
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