@SavoyPrime: We looked into this - it looks like you're already following The Last Guardian, so that it what caused the error. Is there another game where you saw this happen?
@Pirate_Chef7734: It definitely should not happen. I've alerted our ads team. Thanks for the report! If you see it again, a screenshot would be super helpful.
@chaosa1: We haven't seen this behavior - it could be a corrupted cookie of some sort. Can you try clearing all gamespot.com cookies and your browser cache?
@guyfarting: Were you signed in at the time? This is the behavior you'll see from Following when signed out (the systems are different.) If it asked you for your email address, you were signed out at the time. If you sign in and follow the game, it should work normally.
For new accounts, you may only rate/review up to 5 games per day, but within a couple days of posting, that limit will be lifted and you'll be good to go. : )
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