werthog14's forum posts
I've been looking into it, but I've heard mixed things about the books. What's particulary noteworthy about the series?
I have the Core i7 920. I love it :D
-stands up-
My names werthog, and I am a lurker
-sits down-
I have a box of those sitting next to me, as i type. :shock:
They're called Kudos Bars. A little history: even as a kid, chocolate after the second bar just doesn't taste as good. But these things are as addictive as heck, and being sick is the only way to stop eating them. Plus the company claims that these contain calcium, so take that how you will if you believe these could be remotely nutritious.
Unfortunately I can't find them anywhere in stores anymore.
Do you have any snacks that you like? Ones that aren't Cheetos or Nachos or candy or any of those types of food.
This man speaks the truthBecause most people dont have any understanding about computers. They think just because something looks nice means its better. Apple hardware is actually WAYYYYY behind PC hardware. The newest GPU they have is a integrated nvidia Geforce 120GT. its rly sad. they charge 3k for a mac pro with only one of those. apple needs to die. that fact that they have integrated dual booting at an average consumer level shows how desperate they are to beat M$. Their OS doesnt even have full 64bit support. It uses the UNIX kernel, but has stripped away 90% of the features seen in most Linux OS's. It has locked proper OpenGl support, restricts user custimization (hardware wise), they claim macs are the only computers capable of dualbooting (which is not true, i have triple boot on my PC, OSX, Linux, and Windows 7), and they say they cant get viruses which is bull. macs have viruses, but the reason windows has more is because 95% of people use windows based systes. hackers have a larger target audience. the number of viruses available on windows shows its superiority in the market. My least favorite rumor is that macs are better for visual editing. this is not true. macs have inferior hardware and graphics API than windows. in graphic editing that is all that matters. Some may say that both windows and macs use OpenGL, and as true as this may be macs have most OpenGl features locked by default, and users must apply a number of exploits to unlock it. Even if OSX had full openGL support by default the hardware is still inferior and cannot compete with PC based systems. last time i checked apple almost went bankrupt and it was M$ who loaned them money to get back on their feet. There has also been some rumors that on the same day M$ bought out 12% of apple as part of the deal.
Happy holidays!
I'll be playing some Dragon Age, and Borderlands
Goodnight, Travel Well - The Killers
very fitting.
pretty good album :)
Those Mac commmercials are quite bothersome.
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