Same old call of duty take out campaign in last game this game take out zombies put back campaign and spec-ops .Thats why I don’t buy every call of duty game ,as they are just so unreliable and unconvincing at times
I don’t care about the score that anyone gives about Astral Chain I love the fighting scenes are just mad and fun but challenging in their own way and you can tool around with the actions to work anyway you want just a fun game in any way
I had a Xbox one got rid of it because I just got tied of playing games that where multi platform. It had exclusives like Halo and Gears of War and few others but nothing to hold me in ,as Playstation has since 1995 ,with the Playstation 4 and Nintendo has with the Switch now . Don’t get me wrong as I have a original Xbox thats Modded with over 40,000 games on the HDD love that beast and have 360 as well , but Phil spencer doesn’t grab me as a boss of Xbox maybe he should go back to Playstation where he come from .As far as Xbox is concerned they would have twist my arm really bad for me to go back to Xbox, as they just don’t grab my attention anymore , as I have limited internet now which is another reason why I left , so at least Playstation and Nintendo you can play games without the internet ,but with Xbox you can’t here in Australia
All you people should be greatfull you all are getting anything for free these days ,but yet most of you whinge about the games you are getting for free . If you don’t like the games you don’t have to download them as I myself are grateful for what I get.
Sony press conference disappointing too short talking too much didn't show any games that i didn't know about and microsoft was much better with new games i didn't know about .And square enix was ok and bethesda was ok too hope nintendo press conference will be good
Over all i was disappointed with the sony press conference too short showed games that i already knew too much talking and microsoft conference was far better showed more new games .
I dont understand everyone they say monster hunter world wont work on the switch but capcom have released many monster hunter games for the 3ds and its less powerful than the switch so i think its will work at 720p no problems i think capcom just cant be stuffed .And i hope iron galaxy do port it to the switch
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