@alexofburg: Dude Read article before Writhe shitt, They do not force Crossplay you can avoid crossplay if you ain't Playng with premade PC first of all, then Cheaters getting banned and Mobiles won't be different and third it's NOT A COMPETETIVE game that's why it's SO POPULAR.
This is list of PS4 Game sales, 2 Exclusive of "greatness" are Topping list then comes Mostly Multiplatform and Bloodborne and Knack with Killzone, Most of Exclusives are not even 1 Million. Like it or not when someone says that PS4 users bought consoles for exclusives it's not truth Same goes for Xbox one Obviously .
@livedreamplay: 8.4 Million Uncharted that's N1 Sale exclusive on PS4, Then comes this game and after comes multiplatform games with few exclusives that sold above 2 mil.
@Berserk8989: Nope Uncharted 8.7 million, Horizon zero down 7.6, 6 exclusives 1-2 Million including Knack and Killzone, And REST of Exclusives are Under 1 Million, Facts say that When i see Some biased Post about GREAT exclusives on PS4 Sales say other thing.
This is List of Best selling games on PS4 SINCE LAUNCH.
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