I have been watching streams on twitch for a few hours and i'm literally seeing repetitive gameplay, running and gunning, is there anything else to this game other than shooting HP sponges?
why is she making out as though wildstar invented the idea that paying for game time with ingame gold was their idea like they were the first to do it, shes obviously new to gaming since everyone knows Realtime Worlds did it with APB All Points Bulletin, and their company went under because of it since almost no one was actually spending money to get game time they were using exploits and things to get in game currency to pay for game time
i tried the beta or alpha whichever it was and i couldnt help but say borderlands to the entire experience, no one wants to admit that it is strongly based off of it though...not that thats a bad thing but its certainly not new in anyway nor is it "next gen" "innovative" its just another shoot em up made by a company who has never tried anything new before so it will get the hype and fanboy backing
Watchdogs was just boring for me, the content they put in the game for the open world just feels like they ran out of ideas and put crap in to fill the void
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