Good.... I hated being stuck to the road... it made the traveling pointless.... basically turned travelling into 3-5min (sometimes more) loading screens essentially.
@TashunkoSapa: lol MS does this all the time.... you dont remember all those "FIRST ON XBOX" reveals.... or even this year with the "Launch Exclusives" littering their E3 show.... stop being an idiot fanboy. They both do it... Remember last gen with CoD getting all the DLC first. Pepperidge farm remembers.
MS had a much better show this year than in years past.... though I still think Sony usurped Xbox simply b/c the games during Sony's show interest me more... though I'm super interested in "The Last Night".
Bethesda's show was bad... but Wolfenstein II looks great.
Ubisoft had a strong start... and the trailer for BGE2 was amazing... but we know nothing about the game from that trailer, so hard to get very hyped.
EA's was mostly meh... even though I love Star Wars.... and not giving us something from Amy Hennig's Star Wars project left a bad taste in my mouth.
The clear winner was obviously Devolver Digital's Big Fancy Press Conference :P
whatsazerg's comments