It will be similar to GTA V... wait a year or more if you want to play it on PC. As for me, I simply won't wait just to play it at 1440p 60fps. I'll take it at 1080p 30fps if it means getting it a whole year earlier.
Alt right bro gamers complain about games with women featured in them under the guise of caring about historical accuracy... yet ignore all the other historical inaccuracies featured in the game.
Sad that a bunch of men (or boys rather) who claim to be alphas, feel so threatened by women. Is your sense of manhood so feeble?
Let me save you time everyone... the video goes like this.... Insert soft - preapproved questions, where responses consist of, most *insert adjective*.... best *insert adjective*... blah blah blah.
whatsazerg's comments