i hope this go's (no pun intented) beyond heavy rain and delivers even more in depth game play and drive to draw you into the world and people that its about. Im really liking this kinda of gaming. with of course our good old normal gaming still around no need to bequeafe one to the other.
its there game they cant please everyone.. no one is always right. that being said i do belive that they should listen to what we have to say when it is reasonable and give it real thought sense we are the ones that give them the money for there work. but i dont think they have to go over board and change there beloved game/art (yes i belive games are art) to exsactaly what we all say, because then its not there work anymore its ours. they know it better then we do sense they made it in the first place.
hahahaha ok i was trying not to laugh when they where picking on the Khajit's but at the end the farts just got to me i love that mod wish it was on the consoles. tho i still feel really bad for the poor khajit's i like them. but the fart mod is awsome haha.
hmm idk how they play or what not but i think the game works and plays rather well for a move game, it has its hickups but nothing no other game dosent have and your suposed to use your whole arm not just ur wrist... it works better.. >_> i say besides sports chapitions its one of the best move tittles out.
i dont care for vampires.. at lest i can kill em all the more tho... and touch the elder scrolls again like in the last game :P and it unfotunetly reminds me of that twilight show or w/e its called and underworld.. needs wherewolves :)
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