Too funny. How does this game still get a rating of a 8, when gamespot said the bad "Weak, repetitive scripted missions Bugs, bad AI, and other technical problems".
Too funny. How does this game still get a rating of a 8, when gamespot said the bad "Weak, repetitive scripted missions Bugs, bad AI, and other technical problems".
Too funny. How does this game still get a rating of a 8, when gamespot said the bad "Weak, repetitive scripted missions Bugs, bad AI, and other technical problems".
O.k was it just me or did jess just say The new dragon age for the X1 can be played early, but you'll need too buy the YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION for $5 a month or for $30 A YEAR. Last time I checked 5x12=60. Now what school did she go too. Unless of course there is some hidden discount/deal EA isn't talking about.
@Jynx04af me too the video of the realm is awesome :-) Hopefully the company that picks up the rights is either ATLUS/SEGA (maybe they can do a new WANDERER OR LEGACY OF Y'S ) Or have SQUARE/ENIX buy it and do a new DRAGON WARRIOR !!!!!!
What's with this "ON SOME MODELS" are they saying their gonna release different models/sku's of their hardware, like what Sony and Microsoft did with their PS3 and XBOX360. If they can do that then I think this is the system for me :-) Now if they can get all those great spec's into a system, they better have some GREAT games too use them. I just hope they can keep the price reasonable.
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