Hey guys, it's me again. Ok, so I know a little bit about basic computer stuff, I've built a few desktops and whatnot. However, as far as laptops go I really only know what should be good specs but not what a good price is for a mid range laptop. I've only ever bought 1 laptop, which I paid $450 for. Needless to say the $450 Assus notebook that I bought 2 years ago, which is going out on me, can't handle games for crap lol. The only computer games I will be play are World of Warcrack Mists of Pandaria, Star Wars the Old Republic, and Guild Wars 2. Basically I'm looking for a nice laptop that can handle these mmos on high preferably ultra settings and still run very well. I know for a fact you can run WoW maxed very well with an i5 and a dedicated video card an I honestly don't expect much more from the other 2 games since they wil be wanting to compete with WoW. So what I am looking for is a really good laptop for its price. I would prefer a core i7 but would be willing to settle for an i5. If anybody here knows of any good laptops for under $700 please list them and links if you have any. I've searched tigerdirect, amazon, and newegg and haven't found many great deals over the last month or so...
Here are some links to what I've considered so far:
I've heard bad things about Dell and Acer so I am kinda afraid to buy either but they look so nice for those prices... Does anybody have experience with any of these or know of anything better for around the same price? Also I've been considereing waiting around to see what kinda deals can be found on and around black friday but I honestly don't expect to find any good deals on laptops like I'm looking for, usually just seem to be crappy stuff that noobs will pick up when told $300 is a great deal for crap that was never really worth more than that in the first place.nAny of you guys think that I could actually find a good deal on something that I'm looking for around that time?
Don't mean to sound like a prick I am just really picky about things when spending this much money and when it comes to my gamming lol. I apprieciate any help, thanks.
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