This is getting out of hand. Games, like any media that relies solely on sales to survive, must appeal to its consumer base. Games aren't some wonderful social tapestry that will drive some revolution - social or otherwise - that will change the face of society. They are made by private companies whose main goal is their bottom line. Games are not the result of transcendental events and higher forces.
Notice that the Howling Dogs game was only introduced AFTER Cart Life had been widely accepted. No risk was taken.
Moreover, the gender/race/ sexuality of the developer/ producer has no effect on the game made or the success of it. To put all of these issues into a game's marketing scheme is irresponsible and sickening.
Saints row has always been over the top. Sure, it started out a little more "realistic", but the script was always humurous. The sequels of the franchise have always fed off their predecessor very well.
I do, because the past 8 or so years has seen the incredible proliferation of games in all forms. What was once a niche activity in the 90s and - I'd argue in the early 2000s as well - is now unbelievably mainstream.
I don't know why Gamespot is stirring the pot with this pointless article, but it is clear that there is resistance to change in any industry, for any change.
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