@ElDuderino1 Dude check this out! I am selling an xb1 anti-spy cam for just $49.99. The name of it is "A Piece of Paper and Piece of Tape".
If you're dumb enough to think this is a spy cam you should be dumb enough to buy my product. Let me know if you're interested, tell all your tinfoil hat wearing friends about it too!!
@Scarab83 Learn how development works. They could not implement it in the middle of a console cycle. Who let's these idiots post without knowing what they are talking about?
Just another thing MS has actually explained unlike Sony. SONY wake up!! There is only 3 more months left before these consoles come out, I need to know information about the PS4 to make up my mind which one I get. I cannot do that if you don't tell me shit! At least MS has overturned their bad policies and continue to tell me about their product.
lol remember that $600 PS3? lol. It's a good thing the PS4 is cheaper than the Xb1, because Sony customers need that $100 to make up for last generation, lol.
@Patohua1 @tipton_bradley @wickedsc300 But then it would turn in to how the video cards are today. They never drop in price because there is no competition. I really fear for the day when MS or Sony quits the console industry and one will have all the power.........
Sony fanboys I just have to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart. You are the reason having competing consoles are a good thing. You Sony fanboys bitch and complain and the people who are buying XB1's just keep getting better stuff. Thank you. Console nerds unite and we will all have better systems!!
wickedsc300's comments