@deth420 @acelogan1989 @Auriken @blackothh Wow voted worst company 2 years in a row? Dang deth420 looks like you smoking weed in your moms basement really did alot. That survey has crumbled EA and they are about to shut their doors. Good job deth420 you saved gaming.
@Ishiban @wickedsc300 Honestly why is that COD's fault if other companies try to emulate their success? If nothing else people should be going to twitter and vocal media and telling these devs and publishers what they want.
If people really cared that much you would see a change just like the changes with XB1, people were vocal and things changed.
@dannyodwyer @wickedsc300 I guess I worded that wrong as yes COD can be hard to play and be good at, but anyone can pull left trigger, right trigger and get a couple kills. With Titanfall there is alot more going on. I can just see me trying to play Titanfall with my cousins and them not know what is going on.
Good point about the eSport integration, but do they players care that it is not regarded as good enough by the community? With that kind of money you are playing for it seems like people who are into that will continue to try to win.
Yea I remember CS and WoW but to me it just feels like a different time in gaming. I could probably be wrong but it just feels like we won't see that kind of shifting anymore, idk just a feeling. You could be totally right, its just we have not seen that happen in a long time.
I'm with you on getting new IP's but don't you think if those guys wanted to make new Ip's they could? At some point its up to the Dev's to decide if they wan't the COD money or to venture out and try new things. With the success they have had I have no doubt they have the cash to form their own studio if they really wanted.
First, Titanfall has a higher barrier to entry than COD for the casual audience, for example I know my female cousins wont be getting Titanfall but will be buying another COD game because they know how to play it.
Second, hardcore gamers hate COD so its not like they will be losing their purchases when they get Titanfall because they were never going to buy COD.
Lastly, the eSports scene. COD is keeping the "hardcore" COD players in the ecosystem by intergrating their eSports pretty seamlessly. People who are good at COD and have sunk 100's of hours into trying to be at a competitive level are not going to abandon ship to a new game to play competitively.
I don't get why people think COD has to die? If you don't play it then it does not affect you at all. Enjoy your games and let the casual/hardcore COD gamers enjoy their games. Games are awesome, everyone should enjoy them!
wickedsc300's comments