Hear me out on this one. I loved my SNES, but after PS1 and N64 came out, no more SNES games were being made. Even with the much better graphics and enhancement that PS1 and N64 had over SNES, I totally didn't mind to play some SNES quality games, if they were to make any.
With XBox 360 and PS3, developers have no choice but to proceed, with the type of games that MS and Sony expect developers to make. That's where Wii and PS2 come in, they both provide alternatives for developers who don't want to ONLY make high quality (technically and graphically speaking) XBox 360 and PS3 games.
Game industry is in a rather strange position right now, we have DS, a portable game machine with much inferior graphics that totally dominates, also we have PS2, a supposedly last gen machine, that beats XBox 360 and PS3 week after week, month after month.
Do we see this as a problem? Sure, it does look like it's a problem for those who can only enjoy games that have PS3 and XBox 360 quality graphics, but not so much for the other gamers. Perhaps many people feel they are ok with playing PS2 quality games, they don't feel graphical/technical enhancement this gen is as significantly important as the other gens before this one. Maybe we are at the point where from now on, graphically/performance improved systems will feel less significant (doesn't mean they don't make things any better, just not as much as it used to).
Yes, Wii will see many crappy ports, but as long as a game is fun to play and if it uses the wiimote in a good way, I have no problem playing it even if it has PS1 quality graphics. I know some developers will try to push Wii's hardware to the limit, but for the ones who don't, I don't really mind as long as the games are good. An improved and fun PS2 game with good use of wiimote? Sure, I will play that game.
The fact that Wii will become a system that's somewhere between last gen and next gen and different, getting all the games that developers can no longer make on the PS3/360 but still want to make them, I predict that will be one of the main reasons as to why Wii will go down as the winner of this gen.
To become the most popular console, it's not about how advanced your cpu/gpu/whatever are, it's about creating a console that has the right mix of things to be accepted by most people. Wii has the best all around goodies that will cater to most people.
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