Hello homies, 'nother blog from my useless mind :P
Well, I finally made it to level 22. I'm really glad I'm starting to get back into this site and use it regularly again. I also got my jacket that I mentioned in my last blog, and it's awesome, can't wait til it cools off outside so I can wear it. I also gotta go pick up my schedule for school this year, on Friday, and school starts on the 10th. I'm really hoping I get a bunch of classes with this one girl, but one can only pray lol :D
And regarding the title of the blog, aren't there soooooo many games coming out this year? September-November is going to burn a whole in my pocket lmao. I mean there's Halo CE Anniversary, GoW3, MW3, Skyrim, Revalations, Forza 4, and Battlefield 3 just to list the AAA titles. I'm also interested in Cursed Crusade, which is only go to be $40 (oh thank god lol), and Madden 12 which I'm going to go pre-order on Friday. Haven't bought a madden since 10 so this ought to be cool. Also Skyward Sword comes out sometime too, which I wan't to get as well. That's like $600 holy crap.
Well thanks for reading. I probably won't blog again until at least the start of school. If anyone else is still getting that education, good luck in school when it starts up for you. Peace until next time. 8)
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