willisons Blog
video blog
by willisons on Comments
i'm not sure really how the ranking system works here, it seems like the more active you are the higher you get, otherwise if it was whoever has been a member for X amount of time i would be one of the highest ranking members. anyway just wanted to post that my next blog will be a video blog, pretty much no longer than 2 minutes, because i'm a lazy person when it comes to updating stuff. for example i havent touched my myspace in a year. and my facebook the only thing i change is my profile pic.
it's bed time for me, so until next time peace out.
Ode New Facebook
by willisons on Comments
Why such a change
my dear old friend?
Looks rather strange,
and quite offends.
Those errors prove
there's much amiss
Too rash a move,
pal - look at this!
My page won't load,
the links won't click.
Brain might explode;
I might be sick.
Your facelift, dear,
reveals just flaws
I still can hear
the dropping jaws.
"Where's my straightforward
clean fresh face?
My life's now poured
all o'er the place!
"Across the pages
here I stumble,
Takes AGES
sifting through this jumble.
"And do recall
I did protest...
Oh, blast it all,
it's such a mess!
Untimely was
your big debut -
It's sad because
they prob'ly knew.
Your makers lied -
claimed you a blessing.
You should have died
in beta testing.
not sure why i pay for gamespot any more.......
by willisons on Comments
ok i'm sick and tired of gamespot not releasing walkthroughs. it was great when they had downloadable PDF official gamespot walkthroughs. the walkthroughs and tournies were what made gamespot worth the money now there are hardly any. its been months since a new walkthrough and tourny has been released. these new editors are lazy, good for nothings. bring back the old editors who lived and died for games and really cared about them, and were not completelybiased.
gamespot down the rabbit hole into ridiculousness.
by willisons on Comments
wow its been awhile since i wrote something, but once again i have nothingpositiveto write. the last blog talked about how much i disliked undertow, which i still stand by to this day. my new dislike is Braid. gamespot and viewers hype is way over rated! the game pure andsimplysucked. if there is nothing i hate more its games that use enemies as jumping boards and mario look a likes. braid is way over priced way to short and way to over rated. this all brings me to my second topic; Gamespot. i've been a paying member since day one and have come to this site many yearsearlier so i've been quite pleased with them. gamespot has also be one of the least expensive sites too and many fun tournys that i join, but i'm starting to change. the current reviews given by gamespot are over rated or under rated a.k.a braid (overrated)infinite undiscovery (underrated). i think the main
reason for this is that fact that the editors play so many games
that it is hard not to end up comparing one game to another.
there for there is abias opinion on all games. i have offically started reading player recommendations only. gamespot is falling down the rabbit hole. i wouldnt mind if someone just cleaned house for the exception of Judy she has always been cool during the tournys.
gamespot down the drain
by willisons on Comments
wow its been awhile since i wrote something, but once again i have nothingpositiveto write. the last blog talked about how much i disliked undertow, which i still stand by to this day. my new dislike is Braid. gamespot and viewers hype is way over rated! the game pure andsimplysucked. if there is nothing i hate more its games that use enemies as jumping boards and mario look a likes. braid is way over priced way to short and way to over rated. this all brings me to my second topic; Gamespot. i've been a paying member since day one and have come to this site many yearsearlier so i've been quite pleased with them. gamespot has also be one of the least expensive sites too and many fun tournys that i join, but i'm starting to change. the current reviews given by gamespot are over rated or under rated a.k.a braid (overrated)infinite undiscovery (underrated). i think the main
reason for this is that fact that the reviews play so many games
that it is hard not to end up comparing one game to another.
there for there is abias opinion on all games. i have offically started reading player recommendations only. gamespot is falling down the rabbit hole. i wouldnt mind if someone just cleaned house for the exception of Judy she has always been cool during the tournys.
there she.......blows!? a review of undertow
by willisons on Comments
Undertow is nothing more than a rip tied that sucks money from you pockets. I don't like being negative on games, but honestly undertow is good for two things and two things only. I'll start with the pros.
The best thing about undertow has to be the voice acting! Best yet for an arcade game, but than again I don't know many XBLA games with dialogue in them. Undertow has a very impressive and addicting multiplayer mode that allows for many players to join and I found finding a room with people to be quite easy. Now for the cons, and there are many.
Con: number 1. Graphics: Undertow makes the unreal engine look 6 years old.
Con: number 2. Size: Its true size matters and the characters of undertow are so small that they might as well be sea monkeys and the harpoons that you shoot are super tiny, and they disappear after 5 inches. Last time I checked a harpoon travels farther than 5 inches. If there is one thing that undertow is good being big with is both the $10 for this waste of time the file size is larger than normal cramping my 20 GB hard drive.
Con: number 3. Lighting: even on the brightest setting undertow is still dark. Keeping it dark might just be a way of hiding how bad the graphics are.
Con: number 4. Story: give me a pen and paper and 30 minutes and I can come up with a more original story with deeper and better plot. This story is written by an 8 year old who wants to be a pirate when he grows up.
Con: number 5. Replay value: after getting the achievements there is no point in playing this game. Even multiplayer gets boring, you can only capture territories for some long until it gets dull.
The only advice to give is playing the trail first! Don't be an idiot like my and buy it right away.
And if you are like me and you do not like the game, let me be the first to say I told you so.
bladerunner and whatnot?
by willisons on Comments
how can westwood mess up so bad on making what could be a great game. bladerunner is quite possiabley the great cult movie ever next to the rocky horror picture show... well i say damn it janet, to westwood. after watching the "new" bladerunner DVD which is only the origanal bladerunner shot at different camrea angles, i wanted my game so i went out and bought it hoping to get something out of it but it sucked because it was given to a crap studio who has never done and adventure game. i would want a big name company to make it, such as mircosoft or Ubisoft that way i would know it will turn out well because those companies don't make a half ass game. if you are to make bladerunner a game it better be a damn good game to go with a damn good movie. the most have would have to be the really voices, none of this half assed BS that scarface did by hiring someone who sounded like tony montana... where the heck is my boy al pacino?!
anywho thats enough for now.
until next time.
forgive the spelling/grammar errors i'm a little tipsy.
unlocked achievement, law and order, and Tivo!
by willisons on Comments
What do these three things have in common? Well it could be part of the fall update. The person next door to me invited me over to see or to hear one of the things that his Xbox can now do. He just so happens to work for Microsoft. We were playing a game and lo and behold this achievement sound was different!? It made the famous law and order sound that we all know, but don't know how to describe it. He then showed me that he could change the sound and the next thing I know I'm hearing the TiVo click sound as the new unlocked achievement sound. Could this be a real thing or just some mod that he was messing with? He refused to answer the question. We will have to wait and see or in this case hear.
Until next time,
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