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Game Collection v.2


Sonic Riders: Zero GravityState of EmergencyForever Kingdom


Yet again another, trip to the local game shop to get some game, Accually the main reason is because i got a call from my friend who works there saying that they just added a few more old games in the Bundle unwanted games Chest LOL, Well still no sign of Rock Band, it's been weeks nowsearching for the game, well here's what i got, Sonic was a new one but the other two was from the Tresure chest, well thats what i call it anyway, and some first time impression on the game it self.

Note: only 5 to 10 min was only taken to make this 1st impression on each game, so it my vary on how i see them after playing the game for real.


Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity

It's been ages since i played any sonic game, the last if i can remember was, in the Atari time, well that's another story, well for this game i picked it up coz it looked good on the display screen at the shop and for there where nothing else in sight Sonic might be a good choice, well about the game Graphically it really looked amazing, and there are some choices to make arcade and story mode, looks like there will be some unlock able characters, and some "skates" pictures to look at, the game it self is fast pace, buttons will appear when you perform a jump and so on ring and stuff can be collected during the race to make you more powerful and stuff, looks like a great game I can play in my free time of RPG's, Nice one.

State of Emergency

Played this game before on the Pc I think but I can't remember where a played it, but this game is not bad, since I lost my other copy why not get another one, What I like about this game is the huge amount of people running around aimlessly and you can shoot them LOL, but some bad dude's will come after you so better keep running, the game looks good enough to play, something like GTA 3 characters, and there will be some missions given to you while your running and shooting everything to add the total of your carnage action, Not really a something I'm looking forward to play so this one will have to take a number in the back of my gaming list to complete for the PS2.

Forever Kingdom.

I was online a few months back trying to find some good old RPG for the ps2 and saw this game had a low review but kind of a high player review. So who I believe? NO one trust NO one but your eye's only, The starting intro FMV looks good, and had some nice characters in them. The battle system is something like Rouge Galaxy + Valkry Profile2 add it up and you'll know what I mean, so this one might be a killer.

ABC for Role-playing Game

ole- playing (R.P.G) games are not that easy game genre to master, some my not even know what to do when starting to play such a game, I know due to my newbie experience when I started In this genre long time ago with The Legend of the Dragoons and Final Fantasy VII, imagine I did not know about Leveling and even did not save the file, because in the back of my head thinking that I can play this game and finish it within 2 to 3 hours, well all the years of mastering the tai chi of R.p.g gamming, here's what I learn to remember, important stuff to know when playing such a game, here's my ABC for role playing

- Arms, Armor, Alchemy,

The basic of all is to arm your self with the best items you can find in the early stage, and to get the most powerful weapon in the ending. There is no way you can bring your starting weapon to defeat the final Boss, so always upgrade or purchase new stronger weapons when they come by, another thing is since Dark Cloud, alchemy seems to be the flavor of how to upgrade a weapon or armor so make sure you familiarize your self with the ingredients or the path for the Ultimate Weapons and Armors.

-Battle System

Getting familiar with the Battle system of the game is very crucial to winning every battle, and earning quick exp points, some RPG, have a slow turn base system, and some are more into action type of game play, so knowing what to do, and going thru the tutorials are sometimes boring but will benefit you in the later stage.

-Character Check

Normally the main character should be the strongest, Wrong! If you only focus all the attention to the main character or some, you will eventually loose out on some important back up later on, so Getting to know the strength and most important the weakness of your character's. Knowing what they can do, their **** special abilities, will make you the unstoppable party ever, plus you will enjoy the game more, coz your getting to know the who are you Role playing as

-Dungeon crawling

Another important aspect to remember is the, Leveling system of the game, so you won't be wasting time in killing low exp monsters, spend some time in leveling your character up tweaking your stats the right way, is a key factor to remember to, will get you ready for battles and you will die less


The world of R.P.G's are base of huge places to move around to, sometime the game maker hide's stuff, important items from you is hidden in places where a normal player would go, or is hidden from the eye view point, so moving, checking ever nook and cranny of the map will always reward you with excellent rare item's for you to use.


Knowing your foe's is a special aspect, where you need to know what it's element of weakness are, in order for you to take it down in one blow, sometimes your foe's are immune to some sort of element and feeding it with such will make him more stronger, so the basic is to go against it, light against dark, fire against water etc etc

-Guides, FAQ, Walkthrus

It's like they say if you can't beat them join them, but not really join but at least get some help, sometime some people out there who is playing the same game as you have already archive stuff that you just can't get pass, so it's no harm in taking some hints in to how or where the stuff can be located, just as long as you don't cheat you will be fine

- Hours

Playing such game, are addictive and will take hundreds of hours to complete, sometimes even more, but just make sure you keep track of your time and get some rest, learn how to put down the analog stick and save some juice for tomorrow, I've tried to play an RPG while I was tired, did not have much fun, coz I couldn't concentrate and keep forgetting what to do, So learn how to save and stop,

hope I did not make any mistakes, or left out any pointers, if I did feel free to add you RPG fan you....

Goodbye 2007, come here 2008

nce again another year has ended, once again we have to recheck and make new, new years resolution,Once again we really need to upgrade our aging console, to keep up with time, Another year for me means another life cycle that needs to be replay and a time to restart my physical mind, shoot up new goals and to climb new heights,

Alas, looking back to 2007, will be a year that had much events that happen for me, in my personal, gaming, social life, some were weird, crazy, there are some 1st time moments to, here's just a run down of my amazing 2007 journey

Bald and not shinny

Never had a bald cut before in my life, so I started out 2007 with a shine, took and I did it my self, homemade hair cut, just with the help of a shaver, it's all done, don't know why I did it, but I walk around all day with a cap on until my hair grew back.


For most of the time, I'll be trying to catch up with work, friends, and my games, and there is no room for sleep, so for most of the time in 2007 I just survived with mostly 4 hours of sleep daily but there where moments that I get chuck of 8 hours, and I'm not complaining I love it,

M.D chain combo

Ever wanted to survive in just a single type of franchise fast food dealer? Yes I did I was hoping for this to happen, and since, Mc.D went 24 hours here in my town, guess what? Yup, I chaw down 24 hours of just Mc.D products, breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper, did I had a stomach ache, NO, means I'm going for 1 week this year,

Naughty, Naughty

Ah, 2007, I was super naughty but won't elaborate due to a family site, lets keep it friendly ya.


This would be my 1st time ever, bought a lottery ticket and had a strike, dude's I was not even planning to buy one, just accompanied a friend and was pushed to into buying one, so I picked out a random number, and the next day that 2 buck turned into 2000 bucks, a jackpot not 1st price but I won something eh, yeah that's one major crazy paranormal stuff.


2007 had some great film, and most of them where the 3's, Spiderman 3, the Pirated 3 and lot's of other 3's, but the good one was 300, 2007 will be a movie marathon for me, due to I love movies and love to watch them again and again, like Matrix and LOTR.

85 games done

Other than, doing stuff a normal person would do, what I accomplished before the clock of 2007 ended was played 85 games on my play list, and that's just for my Playstation 2, and don't ask me where I got the time, it's all in the head, no cheating just play until the credit's role out, that feel's great isn't.

Road runner

Won't say much about this, coz I had a BLOG on this special event, I chased after a person who makes a living stealing old ladies purse

Playstation2 died (BULK)

I't was a sad time, was like losing a best friend, I over used, misused, and abuse my old PS2 until it gave up on me while playing Guitar Hero's 80 encore, 6 years of fun and now it's all gone. But then I have a new sexy one now, the Slim, witch runs well, but still miss the old one.

Anime craze

Another addiction I have, is watching to much anime, that's the Naruto and Bleach series, and you will be amaze to see that there are over 200++ episodes, each Bleach is on it's way, never enter the door of Anime series it will suck you in and never let you out.

Well that sum's it up, it was 10 memorable moments for 2007, and now I'm here ready for what 2008 has to throw at me, ( throw me a Playstation 3 and a HDTV) will be getting those soon, yeah Happy New Year (belated one)

Game Collection v.1

Soul Calibur III for PS2 - Soul Calibur III Playstation 2 - Soul Calibur III PS2 GameDef Jam: Fight for NY for PS2 - Def Jam: Fight for NY Playstation 2 - Def Jam: Fight for NY PS2 GameWild Arms 3 for PS2 - Wild Arms 3 Playstation 2 - Wild Arms 3 PS2 GameCold Fear for PS2 - Cold Fear Playstation 2 - Cold Fear PS2 Game


Yesterday, I went to my local game store, in mind wanted to get Rock Band for the Ps2, but all my hopes was pushed aside after getting there and they said they still have not a copy of the game, with a sad face looking thru the main shelf for the Ps2 tittles, and nothing catch my liking, so where do I go? Where else? where every one will be if there ainn't a game in sight, " the Sales bin" Yup, I went in deep digging for rare game, like a mad man coz it was all bundled up in a huge box and there where others digging to, so finders keepers, So here's what I got from all the flipping and grabbing, plus my first impression about them after going thru about 5 to 10 min of each game, what I write is not final, it just what I think maybe it will turn good or ugly no one knows.


Soul Calibur III:

I've been wanting to get this game since it was release, but being not a fan of fighting game, I passed this one on, and I'm sure glad I did, coz now I'm getting it for 1/3 of the price, now how sweet can that get. What I think is the game graphic's are better and more characters that the previous one, and had an option to create a character which I did not, just went to the battle to test things out, still same good old button mashing till the last man standing, looking forward to get some time to play this

Def Jam Fight for New York:

Pick this one up, after hearing from a group of gaming friends saying that this game is a HUGE miss if I don't know about it, they where all taking about the fun in the game, the reason for this purchase is simple as that, Well you start a game creating a character, but how hard I try my character always end up with a Fat lip, hmm wonder why, well it was a great experience playing this game, and it was true of what they say that this game is great, another one in my playing list that I can't wait to play.

Wild Arm 3

Why I took this is due to my RPG playing list is getting thinner and thinner, and since I have Wild Arms 5 why not, the game had this cool cell-shaded look that was looking awesome, but one thing that bothered me was that my character was just walking, he can sprint, but only in a straight line and will stop when he bang on something, the battle system looking pretty much a turn base action , where everything runs around but I wonder why I just had to input attack only one's and it fight it self, well still need to check this one out.

Cold Fear

Wohoo, I was warned by the shop owner not to get this coz it's boring and lame game, but I wanted to see for my self, hearing it had the 1st resident evil 4 control system, or maybe camera I was just curious, well inuff said, in just 3 min's in the game I was feeling dizzy, due to the "hell of a lot of Shaking going on" but I find it to be interesting, maybe I'll get my self some aspirins before I venture of to this one.

Have your self a merry little Christmas

Christmas had just passed and having less than a week, to get to New Years Eve is getting pretty much like a fast past race for me, for others yet seems like for everybody this days.

Just a week before I was just planning and getting ready for Christmas Eve, then before I knew it, it's already the 24th of December, was there right up my face, which always gets me every year, In my mind Christmas day is on the 25th of December so people should start any celebration on that particular date, but NO it's been a tradition to get ready by the strike of the clock entering the day with a Bang, can't wait to see what people will come up with or happen this new years eve.

Well now it's about Christmas, I heard a tune playing on the TV, with the lyrics the catch me was "have your self a merry little Christmas", got me wondering, was my Christmas merry, or yet even little merry, well If I was the song writer I would say a little boring Christmas, or a chaotic one instead, Not saying that I did not have a great time celebrating, cheering or opening gift, but it's been so many years that Christmas had been the same, like ok "all wear red tomorrow" "lucky draw" "eating" dancing, singing ,etc, but then when the hour pass and everything is back to normal, except for the mess that they leave behind seems like Christmas is the same as any other day, maybe it's just the way I live it, loosing the meaning of that day, what should I be doing to make it Merry anyways, maybe I'm to into the planning stuff making sure everything and everyone is in order, that I missed out in all the fun or the merry in it, maybe next year that will change,

Well, if anyone is reading this just want to wish you a Happy Merry Christmas, if you didn't like me, then try again next year I wish you luck in finding a way to make Christmas a joyous day as they say, and if you do please give me some tip's in how to make it a great one.

(Note : wrote this blog on the 26 but forgot to post it sorry dudes)

My Top 10 Games for the Playstation 2

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater for PS2 - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Playstation 2 - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater PS2 Game

No. 1 Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater: It's the series that actually brought my attention to the Playstation console, and for the Playstaion 2 this will be the one, looking back to Metal Gear 2 did not like it much due to the change of the main character RAVEN that's why for me this is my numeru uno game


Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King for PS2 - Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King Playstation 2 - Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King PS2 Game

No. 2 Dragon Quest VIII :Journey of the Cursed King: I hated my self for not buying this game sooner, Because of the game cover, I thought it was a dragon ball game, but when I finally got it, the game got me back to wanting to play RPG's, I found the game so Good that this is the only RPG game that I played twice back to back , clocking 190 hours each turn.


God of War for PS2 - God of War Playstation 2 - God of War PS2 Game

No. 3 God Of War : Why? You say I choose this over God of War 2 well, I found that part one is better, longer, had more challenge in it than the second game, in all it's a Fun gory game.Nice and it deserve 3rd place.


Front Mission 4 for PS2 - Front Mission 4 Playstation 2 - Front Mission 4 PS2 Game

No 4. Front Mission 4: Yet another game i did not pick up due to the game cover, never knew that this game is so addictive and burned so many hours of my time, i would have taken Front Mission 5 to be my number Fav game but i did not understand the story well enuf but it had better graphics and gameplay.


Resident Evil 4 for PS2 - Resident Evil 4 Playstation 2 - Resident Evil 4 PS2 Game

No 5. Resident Evil 4 : What type of top 10 game without a resident evil series in them, for my top pick for the Playstation 2 console will be non other than no 4, best graphics, best gameplay, best zombies for the series in the playstation 2, just did not like the way you can't move while you shoot and the change of story lineto why the zombies are zombies but who cares i love this game.


Rogue Galaxy for PS2 - Rogue Galaxy Playstation 2 - Rogue Galaxy PS2 Game

No. 6 Rogue Galaxy: Another game from Level 5, i seem to love the games that this people make, some things that i love about this game is the cell shade they use, the huge chunk of items you can obtain or make, has a addictive mini game, good adventure type of game, plus is an action type rpg.GOOD Great.


Black for PS2 - Black Playstation 2 - Black PS2 Game

No. 7. BLACK: Never did enjoy or fancy first person shooter for the Playstation 2, due to it's sloppy controls, i rather use a mouse than the right analog stick, but BLACK really stands out, it's not just has smooth control, but great graphics to and distrutable enviorment KAbOOm.


Final Fantasy X for PS2 - Final Fantasy X Playstation 2 - Final Fantasy X PS2 Game

No. 8 Final Fantasy X: I have X-2 and XII but this one i find better that both of them, better in story, character, gameplay and who doesn't like Bliztball.


Burnout Dominator for PS2 - Burnout Dominator Playstation 2 - Burnout Dominator PS2 Game

No 9 : Burnout Dominator : from all the Burnout game 1 to dominator, this one is better my favorite,maybeit's because they took out the Crash mode, did really like to just crash, it's better doing it while driving in a race.


Need for Speed Most Wanted for PS2 - Need for Speed Most Wanted Playstation 2 - Need for Speed Most Wanted PS2 Game

NO 10. Need For Speed Most Wanted: i've always been a fan of NFS series from the start, and i found for the Playstion 2, NFS most wanted is best due to it has a challeging gameplay that makes you fight to the top to get your pride back, so something new than just chossing a car or free romming around.


Me Vs RAT, RPG style

It's been a week now since this rodent has been making a noisy ruckus in my kitchen. Every single night this dude will make scratching noises and knocking stuff to the floor which is disturbing my peace, sleep and gaming time, I finally decided to get rite of him for good, because every time I try to shoo this Rat away the dude will be come right back, maybe he is just plain stupid or just want to get PK'ed.

Well, yesterday was Sunday at 5 pm I was waiting for the dude to appear, I was well prepared, had my rubber boots on, had my wooden stick and a broom, plus I had earlier boiled some hot water to do some long range damage, Yup I was ready to do some hunting in the valley of my kitchen floor.

About an hour waiting, was playing some puzzle game so I could easily pause and do my attack, then the dude made his appearance, he was under the ice box with his head poking out, I lunch my attack with swift movement he manage to hide under the icebox, took my broom and started poking under there, but he wouldn't come out, so I pushed the icebox left to right then he jumped out, stunned me for about 1 sec and I lagged in my attack due to the shock, then cornered the bugger under the table, he had no where to go. But thru me, I was ready to give him a free kick if he came any close to my legs, which he did, the dude ran towards me with squeaking sound, I couldn't land a hard free kick on him coz I was to busy jumping like a mad man couldn't control my legs, he manage to get pass me and ran into a small hole the size of a 50 cent coin when he's body is the size of my shoe amazing, and just to state the fact I have big feet. I realize I'm no match with this dude alone; I had to form a Party, to get rid of him, waited for my house mates to get back and form a party of 3,

A 20 year old archer, for long range damage (specialty in throwing shoes and slippers from afar),

a 19 year old Mage (specialty in casting hot boiling water to enemies)

and lastly me the melee (specialty close range combat) LOL.

When all preparation was done and some waiting involved, he finally came back, this time I covered the hole making sure he has no escape point, and making sure he will go down right here right now.

Then the battle began when we spot him on top of the counter, it started with some heavy screaming and chaotic strategies from my party members, me archer was throwing sleepers to my foot and my back, rather that giving a head shot to the enemy, my mage cast a disappearing spell and disappeared but you can hear her screaming from the other room, to cut the embarrassing moment short, the archer manage to get a blow on the rat making him run into the rubbish bin, quickly close the lid and finally caught the freak. Boiled some water to prepare for the execution, But then my team members had the pity feeling for the rodent and manage to persuade me not to kill it but to let it go somewhere, which we did, from the kitchen, in the bin, in the car drove for about 10 min away from the house and let the dude go in the back alley of some shop houses, the amazing thing was when I dropped the bin nothing ran out of it, didn't see nothing maybe he did a Houdini act or maybe he jumped out when I threw the rubbish bin away.

But today is Monday; I had a good night rest last night no more noises no disturbance maybe the dude is really gone for good, That's all that I care for rite about right now.

Game Collection

Burnout for PS2 - Burnout Playstation 2 - Burnout PS2 GameLuxor: Pharaoh's Challenge for PS2 - Luxor: Pharaoh's Challenge Playstation 2 - Luxor: Pharaoh's Challenge PS2 GamePhantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus for PS2 - Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus Playstation 2 - Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus PS2 GameAvatar: The Last Airbender -- The Burning Earth for PS2 - Avatar: The Last Airbender -- The Burning Earth Playstation 2 - Avatar: The Last Airbender -- The Burning Earth PS2 Game

Today's trip to the game shop bought this 4 games, and did not have the excitement

to quickly go back home and play them, like i use to, well maybe the fading of the most greatest console ever has taking a toll on me already, well still looking forward to play them once i get to trim down my gaming playing list, well heres my 1st impression of the games i bought


It's different from other latest burnout, i wassurprise to get little impact on the crashes, plus it has Credit arcade type sistem when you finish your credits then it;'s game over man


I had a similar game on the PC for this and it was kinda like a Flash game thats why i got it, but seems that this one is a little more cheap version.

PSU: Ambition Illuminus:

What can i say about this game, looks like the same as the 1st one, still havent played it yet but creating your own character in the begin is cool, don't know if it has any effect on the game, well i have to wait and see

Avatar: The last Airbender

I picked this up because i loved the anime series plus i have to the part one which i havn't come arround to play it yet, another game to keep me buzy i hope

Cheap, Half cook game reviews that YOU do

I've been reading game reviews like nobody's business, i love it,because it's what people think about the game it self, and it's kinda like a safety net on what to buy and what to stay away from, but there is this one thing in mind, a game just came out like today then, puff the magic dragon appears one review saying bla bla it's good bla bla bla it's great but... bla bla don't buy it. what is this crap?

A an experiment i even did try to get a game review out as fast as i can but, the shortest game i finished was GOD of WAR 2 it took me 2 1/2 days to finish and wrote my reviews which took me about in total of 3 days,( did not post the review tough) well what i'm trying to say is

Why do you people hurt a game by the half cook reviews you guys make, reviewing a game without finishing or even putting a whole week of play in game and get use to it's control's and game-play, then blow your horn, it's like taking a bite from a cheese burger and saying this is great, but you ever know what you will get after the next bite, yeah i know you guyz want to get the fame of getting the 1st review up, well if you think you won the race but you guyz just took a shortcut to the finish line and all is not worth reading, i really do hope some people take writing game reviews seriously not just by mere of who get what up 1st, it's what people like me needs, and if your itching to give your 2 cents of a game just post it on the forum,

what i really think of perfect game reviews is when you finish that particular game and while the credit's are rolling the pick up your pen and paper or your keyboard and rattle on, so my dear friends think about this when your posting your next review YeS!

Hi i'm a Game Addict.

Hi I'm Will, 26 year old male, does errands by day spins music by night and when the sun is barely up I'm a GAMER. Yes I admit I'm a gaming machine a.k.a Gaming Addict.

It started way back when I was a kid, the Atari was my first taste, playing Meletepid, a sort of 2D vertical shooter that shoots up to on coming blocks that move from left to right, the addiction came as tying to score the highest points, and yes I would do anything to play the Atari back then, meaning from cleaning my room, taking out the trash, keeping the whole two storey house clean. It even became worst when I had to behave like an angel, doing my homework & studies on time, just for a chance to get my hands on the Atari console on the weekends and all that trouble just for a limited 1 hour of game-play.

Years later it moved on to Game and Watch, some of you might still remember these little gadgets that fits in your hands, and runs on small batteries, Yup, I had several tittles different types of excitement just listing my fav's are Balloon Fight and Testris, never had to do anything to play them due to the basic reason is that I earned them bought them with my own cash , Life was good back then I never parted with my Game & watch , brought them where ever I go, even in the toilet, your can hear the beep beep sounds that come out of them, not forgetting other sounds that are not meant to be heard of coming out of the toilet. But I was not in there for to long as another console was up to my grasp, it was the SNES Nintendo, that 8 bit graphic, stuns me hard drawing me in deeper and deeper into the abyss of gamming, but then I had to come back on to doing the chores in order to get clearance for the T.V. Then it all died out living me dry and empty for a few year as I stopped playing games and found my self in the realm of Spiritual gaming but that is another story for another time.

After the long period of none gaming my attention was diverted into something more stronger, more powerful that would change the course of my life it was the age of the PC and the uprising of the Playstation bringing me to the world of 3D experience, after getting a does of Doom 2 and some Metal Gear I would never look back it was like I was begging for more and the thirst that just would fade I needed more. The symptoms that I suffered during play was awesome, making me utter words like "wow that looks so real" the black eye back to late night play would never be forgotten.

Fast forward to now, I still love playing games, it's a part of me now, the adrenaline rush that I get is far greater than any other can give, and Graphics has tremendously changed, multiplayer has been added in most games, letting you get high with others, The PC, playstation2, Xbox, Nintendo will give a person so much fun that you need , better than singing in a Karaoke bar with a mug on your right hand is just out plus leaving you with a headache in the morning.

If I could turn back time and change my gamming addiction or life, that's a BIG "NO", never did regret the time I laid my hands on a console, I'm proud of who I'm and what I'm and whatever people say like "never had enough toys when they were young" yada yada yada "childish behavior" blah blah blah "your wasting time and money" boohoo, are all rubbish because I know that I'm not alone. There are others like me,

We have a LIFE, we WORK to earn our games, and we surely know how to PLAY.

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