This is my Pokemon Trainer Card. These are the pokemon that I have been using on the game. They are all sooo cute.
PS Assassin Creed is by far one of the best games I have played this year.
This is my Pokemon Trainer Card. These are the pokemon that I have been using on the game. They are all sooo cute.
PS Assassin Creed is by far one of the best games I have played this year.
Just thought I would share with you what wind_kitty (thats me) looks like on gaiaonline. I have been on that site for 2 years now, it could be longer I don't remember. I just think I am soooo cute.
First let this be said. This is what I think. I don't want to be flammed cause I would post somewhere else if I wanted that. If you agree with me that is kool if you don't and don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all. Well here it goes
Halo 3 and why I think it is one of the crappest games out right now.
1. Story sucks, Halo have never been one for story. They spend all there time working on the multi player that they crap out a story mode so they can say it is there.
2. Multi Player sucks. I mean it would be good if this game came out, I don't know, around the N64 time. Like put it on playstation so there would have been two FPSs out that people like on different systems. (talking about Goleneye which was great by the way)
3. Gameplay sucks. It is just the same old crap that has been going ever cents FPS have been out. You run around pushing the same button. No thinking involed. You don't even need thinking to be good, just a good memory. You know where everything is at, which weapons are the best and where they are at, and you whore the shield spot.
4. Graphics good. But let me say this, Graphics don't make the game. Yes you do sometimes need something to look at, but I still like playing Final Fantasy 5, and it is 16 bit. But they story kicks Halo in the butt.
Final Thoughts
This is one of the games that makes me hate "gamers today" (using that lightly cause they call themselfs gamers, but when all the play is Halo and GTA, that is not a gamer) All they want now a days is FPS, even if the game was Master Chief working at Subway and had to kill everyone or become a Sub Monster, you would all buy it. And at the $100 price for the Fast Food edition. You guys are making RPGs outdated. Even when new ones come out they make them more of an action game so that way you guys might look at it. Final Fantasy is even doing that. I want the old turn based ones back. Or just a game with good story. You don't find many of them any more.
Yet another from legendary frog. FF7 all about random battles
From the guy that brought you badgers, here is Magical Trevor!
Time for #2
Another Legendary Frog - Kerri's Big Invention
Ok I just now thought of something to do with my blog, I am going to post up, every other day, flash cartoons I really like, and you guys commint on them, or just talk to me if you need to. Starting with my all time fav.
Legendary Frogs' "All Your Pie"
Ok I thought that I would post my thoughts on D&D Tactics here, cause I know I would be flamed if I post it anywhere else. I just got it today, and have only played like 5 hours, about half of that time making new people. But this is coming from someone who has played D&D, the paper and pencil rpg, for about 7 years now, (5 or so years of DMing), this game is great. If you have never played D&D then this game will not make much cents, cause they only go over how to move and attack. You don't know what everthing does, but they do have the details for it if you hit the help button. For fans like me it is a pick up and play, no need to looking at books or help screens. The game play is ture to the paper rpg, and most people will say this game sucks cause of that. Starting on your first few missions, it could take 3 to 10 attack before you can hit something and that hit will not even kill, but the badies are the same way. That is how it is in the real D&D, it takes time before you can become great. In the real game you start as just above the common joe. Your a person who wakes up one day and says "hey I want to kill things and become strong". (well unless your DM starts you at a higher level). All in all this game is for the long term fans. If you have never touched a D&D book, then you might want to stay away.
My Rating: big 9.5
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