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wind_kitty Blog

You know what, People blow.

All right, work... everyone is evil. You try to get something done and other people you work with will not help and get paid to do that nothing they are doing, and you get paid the same they do for working for them. Friends... not really. You are only there to make them happy. You set something up and they don't call and then 5 min before the thing you call and they say they have to spend time with a better friend. They make plans with your other friends and don't invite you. And last... people as a whole will be rude to you and then ask why your are made but when you do the same to them they get all pissed. So from the report I have wrote the final is... PEOPLE SUCK. If you find this in Silent Hill, stay in Silent Hill the monsters are a lot better to deal with then people.

More work.

Have not been posting, cause our computer sucks and I have to work a lot. Got some new games, The Punisher rocks. I have also found out that I love playing Worms 3D. I can't stop playing. Way too fun. I need to get Devil May Cry 3. But dont have much money right now. Sooo I guess I will wait till I find a cheap used one. Oh well. Later peoples.

D&D from my mind. bwahaha!

Ok, just some quick notes. I am going to be runing another D&D game. I am trying out the oriental setting. I am changing all the maps and the people and making my own kind of Dyansty/Samurai Worriars D&D game. I have two sides one Chinese the other japanese, and they are at war. There is also a tanted waste land called the shadow lands where demons live. I hope it gose ok. My friends are looking forward to it. I have most of the NPC done so I will try it soon.

True randomness

One day I was walking in the air and a bug stoped me. "oh what do you think your doing man you can't walk on air." Well this kind of freaked me out so I looked down and saw that I had steped on a spider. Well 5 years later I found out that is was not a spider, it was my father.

X-Men legands.

Well I went back to playing it, and was thinking that if they made a new one that you should be able to play as the bad guys. I would love that. Also they need more people and the game should play out like Diablo where you pick one X-men and play thought with them, then if you want to play again you could go on to a higher level or a new person. Well just some random stuff in my head right now, see you all later.

Galaxy Angel. It is sooo cute

Alright just need to put this up. I watched Galaxy Angel again, and I just can't get over how cute the girls are. I mean it is very funny and off the wall, but man the girls are cute. I got the first season and the 2ed season is out but they have not brought out the 2ed DVD of it hear. I check the other day and they have no clue when. Damn it all to hell. Also, the 4th manga should be out by now and it is not. It has been like 6 months sence the last one came out. Oh well anime is not all I am into I have Devil May Cry 3 to look forward to, oh, and Resident Evil 4 for the PS2. I am board and can't find anything to do so I better stop typing before it gets out of hand. Laters.

Primal time.

I finaly started to play Primal. I got it about a month ago and am just now starting it. It made me mad cause I spent like 2 hours in one area trying to find out how to set the old fish dude free, and when I found out all I had to do was go pick up a key from some where I have already been, I started crying. Oh well, I am have loads of fun. Oh and work sucks, but it pays the bills.

Pokemon again

Well I hate to say it but I am getting back into the Pokemon Trading Card Game. I know I know it is a bad thing, but hey I love card games. I play Magic, Yu Gi Oh, and now getting back into Pokemon. I use to play along time ago but stoped. It really sucked cause when I move out of my moms house she got rid of all my cards. I had some really rare ones. But oh well have to start over. Well need to be heading to work talk to you all later.

Working on X-Men

Just go X-Men Legends and it rocks. I had to shove show at work so my father in law let me have an old military trench coat. It is sweet to looks like the one that T-103 (Mr. X) wears in Resident Evil 2. I think I might dress up as him for this anime thing going on in May. I think that would be cool to go as Mr. X. Oh well, maybe I am the only one that thinks that. Must be going got to read up on undead in D&D for a friend of mine. Laters.

New games today

Yo everyone how reads this, (which is no one I guess) Just go 3 new games today. (well they are not new and one I have played before) Manhunt, Primal, and Crono Cross. I like them all and Crono Cross I have played all the way though before I just did not have my own copy. Well must be heading to work soon. Later Journal.