Looks nice, and runs nice, unless you have un-supported drivers. All will be fixed by summer I'm sure. I'll get premium in the summer. What I really want is ATI's X2000.
i run at max, except shadows and trees at medium, on ATI X800 XL 256mb 1.5gb RAM and 3.0ghz.....its one beautiful game. The explosions and destructable environments are my favorite
i have an ATI Radeon X800 XL 256mb in my pc. I got the card for Xmas and now it seems to be aging already :(... i get low framerates in large EAW battles, occasional slowdowns in CS:S singleplayer, etc. Most new games only run smooth on medium to slightly high end settings. Is the X1900 a good buy this fall?
wis3boi's comments