@gamersince78: whether i struggle with games isn't really relevant. What's important is whether the game has legs. I don't see much because of the restrictive nature of the setting. It's meant to be realistic, but unfortunately the neccessity for bullet sponges rather contradicts that.
I don't think it's a bad game, just not a particularly deep or diverse one.
It's a mess. The levelling system is poorly explained: if you do not level correctly you will really really struggle against the mobs with impossible levels of health who can one shot you with ease. The game doesn't explain that you need to balance all stats, particularly if going solo.
The skills are bland and limited as are the talents. I don't know what the perks are for since you unlock them all. What's the point if there's no choice to make?
Unfortunately the game is kinda bland. It's not bad and it looks incredible. But the movement is kinda clunky. The missions are interesting, but the side stuff is typical ubisoft rote-collecting etc. Fun for a short while, notsomuch thereafter.
The DZ is a waste of time.
Overall it's ok but I don't see it having much of a future. The real world setting hamstrings the game and just makes the bullet sponginess ridiculous: i just did a mission where the boss was a woman in a coat and a hat and she was as armoured as Galactus!
wishface's comments