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witchbabe Blog


Sorry guys but you might not see me around here blogs-wise anymore. I hardly ever post blogs and I can't comment on other people's for some strange reason. I used to be able to comment on a few but now I can't altogether. I don't really have the time either to sit and write a long blog with all my schoolwork and so on, since I'm in my final year of highschool and they think it's fun to stop us having a social life. Don't take this as me leaving TV.com because I'm definitely not. I'll still be around the forums etc. but I'm just warning you that you may not hear much from me around people's profiles.

Thanks to all my good friends on here, I will miss you a lot since it's nice to talk to people who have the same interests as you and no one gets judged on here. Except thefolenangel, now I definitely won't miss him. He really was a bit of a prat. Bye all =)


Yay I'm finally the editor for Tokyo Mew Mew! I made a contribution the other day so that's probably what made it put me as editor. I'm so happy. I just made this blog to say that really because my big news is on the previous blog. So people if you want to be a TC and are interested in Tokyo Mew Mew I'd get in quick and make some contributions since you now know an editor lol :P

London Here I Come / Profile Commenting

Hi people! Sorry I haven't blogged in a while but I've been really busy plus nothing interesting has really been happening. I can't comment on anyone's blogs at the moment so I'm really sorry if I'm not commenting at the moment, it isn't my fault.

On a good note, I'm coming to London! I paid my deposit last week and we got our itinerary today and we're doing loads of good things! It's an R.E/Art trip so we're going to 2 art galleries and we're also going to go on some thing called a 'soup' run where we bring food to homeless people and then we talk to them about their lives. Plus we're going to the Houses of Parliament, a West End Show and we're going on the London Eye at night which should be good cos I've only ever been on at during the day. I get to go back to my roots aswell since I'm actually a southerner lol. You can't really tell though cos my posh accent has basically gone. Plus I use nothern slang as much as the people up here. I feel sorry for all the people who live in London and are going to have to put up with us. We've come up with a plan where we're gonna drink loads of red bull and go completely hyper so we can just run round the city all day. It would be so funny.

First TC for a show

Well I've become a Trusted Contributor for a show. In fairness I'm meant to be the editor but it's taking it's time so I've been put as the TC for the time being. A couple of months ago I got into Mew Mew Power, and I ran out of episodes so I started watching the original Tokyo Mew Mew and it was better so I watched it from the start. Then I noticed the guide was incomplete so I started helping the editor finish it off. But he decided to leave TV.com so he's passed it on to me, even if I haven't got it yet. So I'm just waiting for it to fix itself.

I'm finally going to start my homework today. I've been putting it off for too long now and it's my last week of the holidays so I really need to do it. I don't mind doing my Art homework but I don't want to do my Graphics and Spanish, even if they are fairly easy. It's my last year of high school so I really need to put in the effort this year. Last year I didn't work as hard as I should of in some subjects so I need to try really hard. Unfortunately for me I have inherited my dad's laziness and I put things off till the last minute. Ah well

Zap Zone!

Yesterday I went to this place called Zap Zone and it's this kind of laser adventure battle place. There were 2 teams of 5 of me and my friends and we had these body pack things and they had a laser gun attached to them. The goal is to fire at your opponent team's guns which stops them from firing at you and you firing at them. But you lose points each time someone hits you and you gain points from hitting someone else. Each team also has a base where you can go in and fire at this thing on the ceiling which docks points off the whole teams score. What ironic is that we were upstairs where their base was and they were downstairs where are base was. You would of thought we would be guarding our bases but we wern't really. The best place to be is upstairs though because you can stand at the balcony bit and just fire down at the other team. It's so funny. We completely thrashed them aswell! I thought my pack was broken cos I always seemed to not be able to fire because someone had shot me, but I ended up having the most points out of everyone in both games. Guess I was better than I thought :P

Matching banner!

Since I made a new avvie I thought I would make a new banner to match, kind of. I like it. It looks good.

I'm trying to think of something else to say, but I can't think of anything. Life has become really boring. And top it off my sister has decided to go out of her way to make my life a living hell. If anyone wants a new little sister (or older depending on your age) then let me know and I'll send her in the post.

New Avvie, Hello There People and continuing commenting problems!

Haven't blogged in a while. A few things have happened but I just haven't really felt like coming on here and sharing them for some reason. I got a white Nintendo DS Lite a couple of weeks ago plus Nintendogs Dalmatians and Mario Kart DS. I've always wanted one, but I thought I only wanted one for the sake of it so I never got one, but my sister's mate was round and she had one so I just went out the next day and bought one. I think it was an act of impulse because I'm getting quite bored of it now. It was the same when we got the Nintendo Wii. I played on it loads but eventually I got bored. But we have a new game now, Mario Party 8, so I'll probably start going on it again. I bought the Avatar game for the Wii ages ago and I never play on it so unless I start soon I might trade it in for a different game or just sell it.

I finally have a new avvie. I've had that other one for a while now so I thought it was time for a change. It isn't animated this time but I may end up making an animated version of it.

I'm still having problems posting on certain people's blogs. I really hate it because I feel so rude when people comment on my blogs and I don't comment back. Believe me I do try. Sometimes I've tried PMing the person to see if it's just the blogs or any form of contact, but I can't do that with some people either. My computer is strange. I might be getting a new one though so the problem might eventually go away.

Hope everyone is having a good summer! Well those who are on their summer holidays


I'm so happy that it is finally the summer holidays. No more school for 6 weeks! I seriously need to catch up on sleep. When we get back to school they are going to change the snack bar into a Year 11 only area so we can kick all the others out. That's definitely not going to go down well when the other years find out. They're going to get loads of new furniture and everything, including a tea/coffee/hot chocolate machine. The sad thing is that I'm not going on holiday this year. Unfortunately, we can't afford it so I'm stuck here whilst it rains constantly. It was boiling last year but we've hardly had any sun at all this summer. Someone said it will be like a 40 days and 40 nights of rain thing cos it's rained at least a little bit every single day for the pasy like 2 weeks.

Hope you all have a good summer, I'm off to a birthday party tonight so it's quite a good day. Bye

I hate R.E

Sorry to any deeply religious people here but R.E is one the worst subjects ever! I have nothing against God or anything like that but I just can't put up with the subject. It's too hard! I'm being forced to do coursework about baptism and I seriously have no interest in it. I've finished it now but I didn't put much effort into it. On a plus side only 5 more days of school! Just next week and I'm free for the summer. Yipee! I'll be in bed till like 3 in the afternoon every single day. I'm so tired after this year that I need to catch up on sleep. The pressure they put on teenagers nowadays is shocking. But after next year I will never go to school again and it's off to college and uni. I will miss it though, as much as I moan about it. Anyway hope you have all had a better day than me :D

I'm BACK!!

Sorry I didn't let you all know but I've been on a school trip this week. Woo! It was so much fun! Last night we had a massive rave and all went nuts. Do not let teenagers loose with glow sticks. Rashes will appear. If anyone wishes to know what that means then just ask me in a comment, I can't be bothered explaining right now. We went to Castlerigg in the Lake District and we all loved it. Some people were crying today as we left. I wasn't, but oh well. I'm completely shattered. I may fall asleep at the computer. Sorry, I will have to give you more details and stuff later cos my eyes are drooping and I'm having trouble spelling. Lucky there's a spell check on here or none of you would of understood a word of this. Goodnight all!